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yoS Obituary of retnarlabh Perfom ; with Biographical ^tiecdsi!: , [ Augy
Suddenly, at -the Barracks in Norwich, widow with fix children, and a feverilt^l
Henry Mitchell, efq. lieutenant and furgeon expefted <'ai1y. j i
in the Cambridgelhire railicia. At Bedforu, of a caiictr in the breaffi^J
Ofali^geringcomplaintof ftrangury and wliich fhe bore with exemplary f.nituJO|i
ftone, 3pcJ-66, fincerdy lamented by an un- and refigu uion, Sarah, wife of the- Rev i*,j.
paralleled circle of friends, Mr. fohn Ni'- Orlebar Marlh, vicar of Steviiigto-,co. BedJ, =
cliol'fon, bookfelleV, of Cambrivige; wb®, ' In Kenfmgtor.-f(jiiare, Mils EliZa T^^^y
by attention to bvifuiefs for itp- mer, da. of. the late Tbo. P. of ^ enfington^'j
ards of 45 years, arquired confidtrahle folicitor of the pofl -office. Her father Uie<^ i
property, and Vfd-i ■■■■■ he TJniverfuv better
known by tl.e r.araeof '• Maps u^ P.cliirs.^,"
fioai hisconftaiit hjbit of offering tiiofe ar-
ticles at the different chambers. He e(ta-
blifhed a very capital circillating library,
including molt of the ledlnre books read
in the Univerfity, and alfo many of tlie befl' ,
and fcarcelt aatb.ors in various other
Siranches of lite- atu.f ; by which means
the {Indents were en.abled to fi;riii.h tliem-
fclves with the works of the beft writers
at a fmall expence. Ha prefent^-d to the
XJnivGifity a whole-length portr.iit wf him-
felf, loaded witli b:)oks tvhich h.ina.s in
the ftaircafe of the pnblic library, and un-
ider it a print engraven from it.
Suddenly, Mifs Shippey, of Bonrn, co.
In Hereford-flreet, the infmt fon of
Jo-^n VVilles, efq.
In tl.e precinct of Cambridge cathedral,
aged 7 , Mrs. L^iz.ihetli Salter, reli<5tof
William S. efq. of Noi wich.
At Epplewoith, in the Eaft Riding of
Yorkftiire, in her 83d year, Mrs. Harri-
fon, v/ife of Mr. F, H. She was C'lrried
by fix grand ■d;'.nghiers, and attended to
Cottingham church by nearly 30 children,
grand-children, and great grandchildren.
9. AtSteyning, in Su'Tex, after an illnefs
of 24 hours Montgomery L ampbell,. efq.
a diredfur of the Eaft-India Company.
At Silver Mill?, near Edinburgh, Mr
Gei^rge L :uder, of the 21ft regiment.
At Dunfdon Green, co. O.xford, after 12
«5ays painful illnefs, Mr. C'trnelius Langfoid,
foi ;nerl) an eminent farmer of that pLice.
JHis death was occafioneJ by eating a large
quantity of cherries, and fwallowing the
itones, whuh occafioned an obflru6\ion in
hl^iSowels, that terminated in mortification.
10 At VVorteller, aged too years, Eli-
' zabeth Hunt. She; was born at Biihop's
Caftle, and enjoyed a good flate ef health
to the t^ay of her death, \yhat is remark-
able, her mother lived to tf.e extraordinary
Sge of 108, and likewife enjoyed all her
faculties to the laft.
li. In Piccadilly, Robert Beckford, efq^ J
a Weft-India iticrthant, andlaie reprclen^';
tative in parhament fir Lcominf^er.
Aged 75, Mr. Whitwell, of Fothering-w
hay, near Qundle.
Rob. Ho'.ciikin, efq. of Staxford, Line,
In Riipert-ftreet, ap.d '54,, Mr. Thoma^^^sj
Strike, commonly called Dr. Strike, a na-'j]
tive of BeikO^iie. He w:iS foim rl) dr.iy-
man-to a brewer, and lodged in tlie fame
houfe with a German Do5ior, who cured
the f.jVula in a>;a without tlie oper.ition of
cutting. To Siiike he hetju-at'ied iiis re-
cipe and mode of '.r'.:itTncnt, ^y which .'a ith
application and .1 common underl*''nding,
he has fnppoitcii himitlf in :iffl:iente m6re
than 20 years, and is f.ii'l to iiave per-
fuimed fonie wnderfql cure-. ' cing iior-
pitabie and convivia', he h.'s not f ive>l mucli
money ; but has kft tlie fecr t to tho (up?
port of his famil), confi'ting of a fon, a
danghier, and his fourth wife, who wa?
nfed to adminifier to his firma'e patients.
His will prayed, ir.ter alia, th;,t he Ihould
be buiied unfhaved ir walhed, and not
looked at when in his coffin, wliich firould
be made of elm without a nail in it, be kept
10 days, and then buried hot more than
five feet under ground. He was a benevoi
lent man, nevc-r without h-ilf^a crown in
his pocket for a poor acqn.iintance; and had
many weekly penfioneis, to whom lie regu-
lai'.y gave tea and,tolacco, or money.
13. At C. D'OylC)*.-, efq. at Southnop,
CO. Glonc. J'.'hn Rofier, efq. many years
clerk of the fees, ami one of the four com-
mittee ckrks of the Houfe of Commons.
After a lingering illnefs, Mjs. Cort, wife
of Mr. C. ironmonger, L-..icefter.
14. At his feat at laplow, Bucks, Ri-
chan! Crop, efq.
Suddenly, while in-bed, Mr. Shipley,
cabiiiet m.iker, Leicefler.
At the h.ufe cf R. Pell, efq. at Ply-
mouth, Mrs. Pell, vvidiiw of the late Majur
P. of the Eaft Middlelex leg. of militia.
After Ji few hours illnefs, in his 4tl^
At Hull, Qf a paralytic ftroke, in hi? 6jft Mailer Grifluh Fare, 2d fon of Ma-
year, greatly regretted by all his friends jor John P. of Wilhford houfe, Wilts.
und'acquaintance, Mr. J. Rawfon, printer.
II. The Re\ Alatthevv Feilde, M. A,
reflof o'^ tl.e united churches of St. Anne,
Alderfgafte, and St. John Zachaiy, 1788,
Vic^r of Uglcy, in Effex, on the death of
Paul Wright, 17^5, and under grammar-
jn.iftcr to Chrill's Hofpital. He has left a
:^. At Buckland-court, Surrey, Thomas
Beaumont, efq. brother of the late Sir Geo.
B. bart.
Mrs. BloWjOf Whitilesford. She adorned
tlie Chi if^ian charndei by a virtuous life.
At Baih, Mrs. Biooks, wife of Mr. B.
of Box, Salifbury.

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