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^02 Obituary ef nwariahhPtrfonsi with BidgraphkaUnfcdoiei. [Aug.
tain in his Majefty's 4tli Weft-India rcg^
June ^. At Grenada, of the yellow fe-
ver, aged 3^, L. Betty, upothecar'/ to
the forces, and l?.te furgeon to the 2 7tn
regiment of foot, in whith he feived with
the Britifh forces on the Continent.
ir. At St. Domrnpo, of the yellow fe-
vct, Lieut. Peiiiy Gordon, of the 67th
regiment of foot, youngeft fon of Edward
G. «fq. (f Bromley, Middkf-x.
VI. At Barbados, of a fever, arifing
from his aftive exertions at the fiege of St;
Lucia, Major Rotiert Pigot Ciiryllie, of the
4zd, or Royal Highland regiment, an offi-
cer eminently beloved and rcfpefted by the
whole army.
18. At Martinique, in his tSth year,
much lamented, Mr. Henry Coxe, fon of
Mr. Edward C. Dutch merchant, of Lon-
don, and fifth officer oh-board the Tlay-
mond Eaft-Indiaman. He was a yoniig
man of amiable and promifing manners.
July I. Captain DrumTnond, of the 19th
light dragoon?, aidde-caWtp to Gen. Steiv-
arC, and fon to Mr. I>. the barker ; an ex-
cellent officer, and a worthy man.
6. In his 23d year, after a very tedious
and painful ilinefs, Mr. Jofeph Webfter,
jun. of Loughborough ; a youth of exqui-
fite natirral talents, refined by good educa-
tion. He was born April 13, 1774; and,
at the ufLial period of life, was articled to
a furgeon of eminence, with every fair
promife of becoming himfelf an ornament
to that refpedtable profelfion ; but, unfor-
tunately, in a very few months, he was
affliiSled with an abfcefs in the loins, pi oba-
biy from thePfoasmufcle ; which continued
till worn-out nature could no longer refift
the (bock. Difihlel by bodily infirmity
from purfuiug even the moft moderate ex-
ercife, and unavoidably confined to the
houfe, he fought refuge in an eiegant
amufement, for which he fetemed peculiar-
ly formed ; and, from copying trifling
prints, foon .'Xquired a facility of ac-
compllbing much higher productions, till
at length there wasfcarcely any tiling which
his pen or his pencil could not match. His
own hand-writing remarkably neat ;
and he with great readinefs imitated any
ether. Landfcipes, animals, vegetables,
heraldry, feals, maps, portraits, and even
hiftorical pidlures, were multiplied by him
for daily amufement. His patient perfe-
Yerance can only be conceived by thofe who
have feen his performances. He copied
very early Prior's large map of the county
of Leieefter with the utmofl precifion j and
made alfo a beautifvil tranfcript of that
wonderful and almoff unknown tradl of
country, Cbamivcod Fccji. Three charm-
ing prints of Peters's he had repeatedly
copied ; the Refurre6lion of a pious Family
from their Tomb at the laft D ly ; an Angel
carrying the Spirit of a Child to Par.idife;
and ihe Spirit of i C!ij d arrived in tiie Pie-
fence of the AlwigVity. Several portraits
of eminent perfons (Dr. Johnfon, Dr. Far-
mer, Mr. Tynvhitt, Mr. M alone, Profef-
for Harvs'ood, Mr. Stavefiy and his Lai!y,
Mr. AUeyne of Lougliboroogl', &c. &c.)
are the counterparts of ih.e picTiures from
which they are tikeo, excep; that in moft
of them the likenefs is preferved, nnd, af
is natural to drawings, the delicacy ia-
creafed. Ha had the art of reducing large
portraits to a wonderful nicety ; and had
jaft begun to attempt the t.nking of original
miniatures, of wliich fonie few remain,
particulaily one of tumfelf, in which in-
firmity and placid rcfignation are well de-
piaed. The " Death of Genera! Wolfe,"
a print nor more generally known thju
adtnired, ! as from the pencil of Mr. ' I
Wcbfier even additional charm.s. He had \
begun a gioupe of figures, m n manner
which he tliouglit would be bis cbff-d'eeuvic,
from the large print which defcribes the
melancholy parting of the late King of
France from his family. His hand was ar-
reted by De.lth in the profecution of this
bold defigi), jurt when be had completed the
monarcli's liead ; but the drawing remains
a valuable fragmsr^t of his fkill. He had
obtained alfo the prints of the glorious nav.-.l
viiScry on the firft of June, and t!ie death
of Major Fea; foi \ which lie fondly pleafed
hittifelf with the idea of imitating. — But he '
is releafed from the mifery of an inc-ua'i'le i
ilinefs, hajipily for himfelf, and confeqaeniiy '
(however they may for the prcfent re-
gret their own lofs) the lefs lamented by
all who loved and efteemed him ; in
which number, befides his immediate rela- 1
tions and the writer of this heartfelt tribute^ '■ (
he had the honefl pride of reckoning fome
names of high nuik in Literature, and cf
high ftationin Chinch and Sta'c.
9. In Down-flreet, Colonel Stopford.
1 1. At Madrid, murh lamented, the
Right Hon. Counte's of Traqunire, d:iugh-
ler of the late Geari-.fe Ravenfcroft, efq. of
Spalding, co. Lincoln, and fifter of the late
Mrs. Sulyard, of Haughley park, Suffolk.
12. On his pafTage from Feterfburg t«
Leith, David Mitclieil, fei;onJ fon of CapUi .
M. of Edinburgh. j
14. At Camp, neat- Lifburn, Joha
Friend, efq.
15. 'In the county of Kerry, Jolin Fitz-
maurice, efq. one of the niagil\rates of thi
faid county.
16. In Upper Brook-ftreet, in his 69t1i
year, the Right Hon. William Gerrafd Ha-
milton, formerly fecretary in'lieland. Bjr
his death there lapfes an Irilh penfion oi
2000I. a; ad the bulk of his foituiM
goes to VVilli;im Hamilton, efq. of LTU-
coln's-inn-fieldf. He was ufually denonAi-|
naieJ Smgle-fpeech Hamilton; of whijabi
he was put in mind by Mr. Bruce, whWjl
on an infinuation of Mr. Hamilton's, thaf »! •
was highly iraprobabte any" mail flvou^

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