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given the usual notice of motion) arrived,
Mr. M. Cusack (on his behalf) proposed the
election of John O'Duffy, Esq., Lie. D.S., of
Rutland-square, Dublin, as member -of this
Council, which was seconded by Mr.Comyn,
and unanimously agreed to.
Mr. Cusack then gave notice that at next
meeting he would move the election to
Council of the Rev. John Egan, Rector of
St. Gall's School, Stephen's-green, Dublin ;
and Thomas O'Hara, Esq., B.A., Inspector
of National Schools, Portarlington.
Several important communications were
considered, and many letters from Irish
scholars and others were read, expressing
their approval of the Gaelic Journal, and
their gratification at the appearance of the
third number ; amongst these being Charles
Carroll, of Carrollton, Doughorcgan Manor,
U.S.A., who promises to use tf//his influence
to spread the Gaelic Jûurnal in America ;
from Rev. James MacSwine}-, S.J., Manresa
House, Roehampton, London, S.W. ; Dr.
C. D'Evenher, Professor at the Royal Col-
lege, Glatz, Silesia ; Dr. Zimmer, Greifs-
wold ; Dr. Windisch, Leipzig ; Colin Chis-
holm, of Inverness ; John Murdoch, do. ;
Dr. James MacMastcr, F.R.U.I, Magee
College, Derry ; Very Rev. Canon Bourke,
P.P., M.R.I.A., Claremorris, Co. Mayo ; and
many others.
The Council adjourned to 3rd March,
same place and hour.
The Council of the Gaelic Union met on
Saturday, 3rd March, at 4 Gardiner's-place.
Rev. Maxwell H. Close, M.A., M.R.I.A.,
F.R.G.S.I., occupied the chair,
There were also present the following
members of Council, — Rev. John James
O'Carroll, S.J. ; Rev. John E. Nolan, O.D.C.,
Hon, Sec. ; Mr. Michael Cusack, Hon.
Treasurer ; Mr. David Comyn, Editor Gaelic
Journal ; Mr. A. K. O'Earrell, Central Se-
cretary National Teachers' Organization of
Ireland ; Mr. John Morrin, Mr. R. J.
O'Mulrenin, Mr. John Fleming.
The minutes of last meeting were read,
confirmed and signed.
A communication was read from the Se-
cretary of the Council of the Society for the
Preservation of the Irish Language, trans-
mitting a copy of the following resolution
of that body : — "That, with a view of facili-
tating the desired amalgamation of the
societies, we respectfully ask the Gaelic
Union to submit the heads of the proposals
on which they are willing to amalgamate."
The following resolution was then pro-
posed by Mr. O'Farrell, seconded by Rev.
Mr. O'Carroll, and unanimously adopted : —
Resolved, — "That we cannot entertain
the proposal to leave the question of
amalgamation to the separate discussions
of the Councils of the Gaelic Union and of
the Society for the Preservation of the Irish
Language, inasmuch as we hold that the
only practical way for arriving at a con-
clusion that will be satisfactory to both
bodies, is for a small committee such as we
have already suggested to have full powers
for settling once for all the questions they
have been appointed to consider."
Mr. Cusack moved, Mr. Comyn seconded,
and it was unanimously agreed to : — "That
Rev. John Egan, Rector of St. Gall's School,
Stephen's-green, Dublin, and Mr. Thomas
O'Hara, B.A., Inspector of National Schools,
Portarlington, be added to the Council of
the Gaelic Union."
Rev. J. J. O'Carroll moved, Mr. John
Fleming seconded, and it was resolved :
" That the Council adjourn to the first Satur-
day of April (7th prox.), so as to allow time
fortheelectionsof Council of the Society for
the Preservation of the Irish Language to
take place before the question of amalga-
mation again requires attention."
The Council accordingly adjourned to
the day named, when a large attendance is
requested, to consider the propriety of
holding monthly meetings in future, instead
of weekly, as heretofore.
A Special Meeting of the Council of the
Gaelic Union was held on Saturday, 31st
March, 1883, at No. 4 Gardiner's-place,
Dublin, at 3.30 p.m.
Rev. Maxwell H. Close, M.A., Vice-Presi-
dent, in the chair.
The Honorary Secretary (Rev. John E.
Nolan, O.D.C.) stated that he had called
this special meeting of the Council in
anticipation of the date fixed for the next

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