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SvuDvGAicn. i: n. Bound, stride, bounce. Pret. a. shuida-
gaich, boiaidcd ; fut. of. a. surdagaichidh, shall bound.
SiniDAii., a. (surd-amhuil.) Industrious, active, clever;
pushing, shifty. Gu surdail, industriousli/.
SuRD.vLACiiD, if. {from surd.) Industriousness, activity,
Si'RRAM, aim, s.f. A snoring noise, as of one asleep.
SuRTAG, aig, s.f. See Surdag.,
SusBUiN, s.f. (/r. id.) Substance; strength; stamma;
virtue. ,
SisDALACii, SusTALACii, o. Prudish, affccted, coy, shy.
Caileag shusdalach, a shy girl. Com. and sup. susdalaichc.
SusDALrciiD, SusTALACUD, s. /. Prudishucss, affcctcd-
ness, coyness.
SÙTH, sùtha, s. m. See Sùon.
SÙTHAG, aig, s.f. A strawberry, a raspberry.
SuTiiAiN, o. (/r. id.) Eternal, everlasting; rarely,
sperous. Gu suthain siorruidh, for ever and ever.
SuTiiAiNEACHD, s.f. (//'. suthaineacht.) Eternity. A
na suthaineachd, from all eternity.
SUTii-EiiRiGH, s.f. Decoction, juice, extract, essence
SCth-biirigheacii, ft. Juicy. ,
SÙTiiMnoiRE, com. and sup. of sfithmhor.
SÙTiiMiioR, o. (/»-. suthmhor.) Juicy, sappy. Com.
sup. sùthmhoire.
SuTiiMiioRACHD, S.f. Juiciness, sappiness.
T, t, (tin.) The seventeenth letter of the Gaelic alphabet.
't, not aspirated, has two sounds: (1.) Nearly like t in
toion ; or exactly like t in the Italian, tocco, or in the
French, toucher. (2). A slender sound, like ch in check;
as, tighinn, coming; saillte, salted. When aspirated, it
sounds like h in him ; as, thainig, came. It is silent in the
middle of words, in the end of long syllables, in some
tenses of certain verbs irregular, and in thu and thusa; as,
maitheas, , goodness ; maoth, ^en</e; an d'thainig thu? art
thou come ?
T- is placed between the dcf. art. and the nom. sing. mas. of
most nouns beginning with a vowel. Is mi fein an t-aon-
aran truagh, a poor solitary being am I. — Oss. Taura. An
t-eug a strigh ris, death struggling ivith him. — Id.
T- is also inserted between the def. art. and any noun be-
ginning with s followed by a vowel or a liquid. iSIun d'
thainig an t-saighead is an t-slne, before the arroiv mid the
blast came. — Ardar. An t-sloc a rinn casan nan aoidhean,
the pit made by the feet of strangers. — Oss. Toirm an
t-sruthain, the purling of the stream. — Oss. Conn.
T and T- are often used for the poss. pron. do, thy, before
words beginjiing with a vowel, or with a quiescent con-
sonant; as, Tog t-or-cheann, lift thy golden head. — Orr.
T-airde mar dharraig, thy height like an oak. — Ull. See
almost every chapter of Stewart's Translation of the Old
T', for ta or tha, pres. ind. of the aux. v<rh, hi, be. Am,
art, is, are.
Ta, pres. ind. of bi. Am, art, is, are.
t Ta, s. m. Water; also, the Tay.
Tabaii), s.f. (4rm. tabut.) A fight; a squabble; a con-
flict ; a broil. N. pi. tabaidean.
TABAinEACii, a. Quarrelsome, fond of squabbles, causing
squabbles ; of, or belonging to, a quarrel or squabble.
Tabaideaciii), s.f. Quarrelsomeness, fondness for siiuab-
Tabar, air, s. m. A timbrel, a tabor. A', pi. tabaran.
Tabu, taibh, s. The ocean ; a sea ; a sort of fishing net.
Tabiiacu, n. Marine; a/so, strong, lusty.
Tabiiacii, aich, s. m. {Ir. id.) A sudden eruption ; a forcing,
a pressing.
Tabhaciiij, s. /. (/r. tadhbhacht.) Substance; stoutness;
comeliness ; valour ; efl'ect ; benefit. Taisbeinibh ur tabh-
achd, show your valour. — Old Song. B' i bhlath-ghrian
do ihabhachd, the wartn sun was thy benefit. — Macdon.
Tabhachdacii, a. (/r. tabhaclidach.) Stout, comely, su;
stantial; effectual, effective; beneficial. Gu tabhachdaci
effectually. Com. and sup. tabhachdaiche.
Tabiiaix, v. n. (Ir. tafain.) Bark, yelp. Pret. a. thabha
barked; fut. aff. a. tabhainidli, shall bark.
Tabhair, v. irr. (Ir. id.) Give, bestow, grant; brÌB
Pret. thug, gave; fut. aff. bheir. Do 'm bhriathrai
tabhair aire, give ear to my words. — Sm. Tabhair mac
bring out ; produce. Gach craobh a bheir niach me!
every tree that yields fruit.— Stew. Gen. Tabhairinn,i
would give. Written also thoir.
Tabu AiREAM, 1 ««(/. Jmper. of tabhair. Let me give,
t Tabiiairn, s./. .\ tavern, an inn ; a sea. :
ia<. taberna. ^rai.tavarn. Teut. tavenw. /c. tabhairi'
a tavern.
Tabhairt, s.f. .X giving or granting; a grant, a gift,!
bestowal. A tabhairt, giving, granting ; tabhairt an get
pledging ; mortgaging. j
Tabhairteacii, o. Liberal, generous; ready to give; c;
tive. Gu tabhairteacii, liberally. Com. and sup. tal
Tabiiairteachu, s. Liberality, generosity; a readiness
give or bestow. i
Tabhairtear, eir, s. m. A giver, a donor. N. pi. talf
airtearan. i
Tabiial, Tadiiall, aill, s. m. {Lat. catapulta.) A slif
from which stones were cast; rarely, a chief. Craj
tabhail, the shaft of a sling. j
t Tabiial, ail, s. m. A plank ; a board; a chief. j
Tabhan, ain, s. m. {Ir. tafan.) A bark, a yelp.
Tabhanaicii, v. «. Bark, yelp. Pret. a. thabhanai ,
barked; fut. aff. tabhanaichidh, shall bark.
Tabiianaich, s. /. Barking, yelping; continued barkif.
Thoisich an cu air tabhanaich, the dog began to bark, j
Tabiiartacii, a. {Ir. tabharthach.) Bountiful, generoij
Tabu A rtan, ain, s. m. A leader, a general. N. pi- tabhart i.
Tabiiartas, ais, s. m. (Ir. id.) An offering ; a ]>reseiit»r
gift; a boon. Tabhartas luaisgte, a wave-offermg .—ot >■
Exod. Tabhartas dibhe, a drink-offering.— Id. Tabha»s
togta, a heave-offering.— Stew. Num. Tabhartas Bhens,
the gift of Venus. — Mac Lack.
Tabiiram, (for tabhaiream), 1 sing, impcr. of tabhair. .3t
me give. '
Tabiujan, a. Persevering; substantively, perseverance j
Tabiiianachu, s.f. Perseverance. \

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