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Neo-biiuàthaireil, ". Unbrotherly. Giùlan neò-bhràth-
aireil, unbrotherly conduct.
NF.o-niinATUAiREiLEACiiD, s. f. Unbrotlierlincss.
Neo-iuiuàtiirail, «. Unbrothtily.
Neo-iìiiuu;ii, x. /. Contempt; insignificance; want of
substance ; unimportance. Cuir an neo-bhrigh, set at
naught ; frustrate.
Neo-biiuaiute, part. Undisturbed; untempted; untroubled;
Neo-biiuan, a. {It. neamh-bbuan.) Not lasting; transitory;
Neo-bhvaxacud, s. f. Transiloriness, momeutariness ;
Neo-bhuidheach, o. Unthankful.
Neo-bhuxaii.teacii, a. Not well-founded; not having a
sure foundation ; unsteady ; unfixed. Gu neo-bhunailteach,
Neo-bhunailteachd, s.f. Unsteadiness; the want of a
sure foundation.
NEn-BnuNAiTEACii, a Not well-founded; not having a
sure foundation ; unfixed, unsteady.
Neo-chairdeii., a. Unfriendly. Gu neo-chairdeil, in an
unfriendly manner.
Neo-ciiaochlaideacii, Neo-chaochlaidiieacii, a. Un-
changeable, immutable. Gu neo-chaochlaideach, un-
Unchangeableness ; immutability.
Neo-ciiaochluidiieacii, a. Unchangeable, immutable.
Tre dha ni neo-chaochluidhcach, hy two immutable things.
— Steiv. Heb.
NEO-CHAOciiLUTDiiEAfiiD, S.f. Uncliangeablcness, immu-
tability. Neo-chaochluidheachd a chomhairle, the immuta-
bility of his counsel.— Stew. Heh.
Neo-ciiarraideacii, a. Not quarrelsome. — Stew. Tim. ref
Neo-chakruiciite, part. {Ir. neamh-choruichte.) Un-
stirred; unmoved.
NEO-CHAKRUiDiiEACn, a. Immovable, steady, fixed.
Neo-cuarruidheaciid,s./. Immobility ; steadiness, fixed-
Neo-charthanach, a. Uncharitable; unfriendly. Gu
neo-charthanach, uncharitably.
Neo-ciieadaiciite, par/. Not permitted ; illicit; unlawful.
Neo-ciiealgacii, a. Undesigning, not cunning; unfeigned;
upright; sincere. Creideamh neo-chealgach, unfeigned
faith.— Stew. Tim.
Neo-ciieat.gaciid, s.f. Unfeignedness ; uprightness; un-
Neo-ciieanai.ta, «. (//•. neamh-cheanalta.) Unhandsome;
inelegant ; indelicate.
Neo-ciieanoailte, p. part. Unbound; disengaged.
Neo-ciieannsaiciite, Neo-ciieannsuiciite, part. Un-
tamed ; unconqucred ; unbridled ; dissolute.
Neo-ciieaubacii, ((. Tidy; trim; not tawdry; neat; not
awkward in dress ; exact.
Neo-ciieart, a. Not right ; not proper; unjust.
Neo-cheartaiciite, part. Unadjusted; uncorrected.
Neo-ciiiallach, a. Foolish; stupid; imprudent; un-
Neo-cimnnti;, s.f. Uncertainty; precariousness.
Neo-ciiinnteacu, a. Uncertain; precarious; equivocal;
indecisive. Fuaim neo-chinnteach, an uncertain sound. —
Stew. Cor.
Neo-ciiinnteaciii), s.f. Uncertainty; i)rccariousness ;
doubtfulness ; indccisiveness.
Neo-chiont, s. m. (/r. neamh-chiont.) Innocence; integrity;
harmlessness. Am neo-chiont, in my innocence. — Sm.
Neo-ciuontacii, a. (Ir. neamh-chiontach.) Innocent;
harmless ; spotless ; unblamed ; simple ; also, an innocent
person. Full nan neo-chiontach, the blood of the innocent.
— Stezv. Jer. Com. and sup. neo-chiontaiche.
Neo-ciiion'taciid, s.f. Innocency ; harmlessness; spot-
Neo-ciiiosnaicute, part. Untamed; unquelled ; uncon-
([uered ; unappeased.
Neo-chìrte, part. Uncombed.
Neo-ciilaon, a. Not awry; not squinting; straight, up-
right; impartial, just.
Neo-ciilaon-biireitiieacii, a. Impartial; fair in judging.
Neo-ciilaon-bhreitheachd, s.f. Impartiality or fairness
in judging.
Neo-ciileaciidta, p. pari. Unaccustomed; unhabituated;
uninured, unpractised.
Neo-chlìir, s.f. The laity.
NEO-cnLÈiREAcn,ich, s.m. A layman.
Neo-ciilI, a. Not awkward ; not weak ; dexterous; active.
Neo-chnuasaciid, s.f. Indigestion.
Neo-ciinuasaiciite, part. (Jr. neamh-chnuasaichte.) Un-
digested ; unchewcd.
Neo-choicilt, NEo-ciioiGii-TEACii,a. Unthrifty, profuse.
Neo-choimiieach, a. Not strange ; not shy, not difficult of
access ; affable, kind ; not surly ; frank ; generous.
Neo-ciioimheachas, ais, s. m. Want of shiness ; affabi-
lity, complacency.
NEO-ciioniEASACH, rt. Incomparable.
Neo-choimeasgta, a. (Ir. ncamh-chumasgte.) Unmixed.
Neo-ciioireach, a. (Ir. neamh-choirtheach.) Blameless,
inculpable. Bithidh sibhsc nco-choireach, ye bhall be
blameless. — Steiv. Gen.
Neo-choisrigte, pari. Unconsecratcd ; unhallowed.
Neo-ciiomas, ais, s. m. (/r. neamh-chomas.) Impotence;
inability ; debility.
Neo-chomasach, a. Unable; impotent; impossible.
Neo-ciiombanta, a. Unsociable; uncompanionable.
Neo-ciiomiiairhciite, part. Unadvised; unresolved.
Neo-ciiomiinard, a. Uneven in the surface ; not level, not
Neo-ciiompanta, a. Unsociable; uncompanionable. Gu
nco-chompanta, unsociably.
Neo-ciiordacii, a. Discordant.
Neo-ciiordadii, aidh, s. m. (Ir. ncamh-chordadh.) Dis-
agreement, discordance ; dissonance.
Neo-ciioslacii, a. Unlike, dissimilar; unlikely. Cha'n'eil
e neo-choslach, it is not unlikely.
Neo-chosmiiuil, a. Unlike, dissimilar.
NEo-ciiosjiiiiriLEACiiD, S.f. Unlikcncss ; dissimilarity;
Nr.o-ciioriiROM, oim, s. 7H. (/r. ncamh-chothrom.) Disad-
vantage ; want of opportunity ; disproportion.
Neo-chotiiromacii, a. Inconvenient; notopportunc ; dis-
advantageous ; unjust.
Neo-ciirAbiiach, a. Irreligious; im[)ious; profane; also, ^
not hypocritical. Da dhaòinibh neo-chràbhach, <o pro/one ,
men. — Stew. Tim. ,
Neo-ciireideacii, ich, s. m. An infidel, an unbeliever, a
sceptic. N. pi. neo-chreidich.
Neo-ciiueideaciid, s.f. Infidelity, scepticism.
Neo-ciiriocunach, a. Unlimited, infinite, endless. Sloinn-
tearachd nco-chriochnaicli, endless genealogies. — Stew. Tim.

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