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FuASGALDAin, s. m. {from fuasgail.) A saviour, a deliverer,
a redeemer. {Ir. fuasgluightheoir.) Fuasgaldair a chin-
neadh daoiiie, the Saviour of the world. The Irish say
Fuasyluitjhthcoir a chine daona.
. FuASGLACJi, o. Loosening; absolving; ransoming; de-
FuASGLADH, aidh, s. m. {Ir. id.) A setting free ; a loosen-
ing ; deliverance; ransoming; a ransom; redemption;
looseness of the bowels. Fuasgladh deas, ready deliver-
ance. — Sm. Thoir fuasgladh dhomh, set me free.
Fuasgladh, (a), pr. part, of fuasgail. Loosening, untying;
af)solving, ransoming.
FuASGLAiDii,/«f. ajf. a. of fuasgail. Shall or will unloosen.
Ff ASGI.AIU, 5. m. (fuasgal-fhear.) A redeemer, a ransomer.
N. pi. fuasglairean.
FuASGUADii, aidh, s. m. {Ir. id.) Fright.
Fl-aslaoadii, aidh, s. »1. { An explanation; expo-
sition ; a ransom.
Fuaslaig, v. a. { Explain; ransom, redeem.
FuASLAiG, s./. { An exposition.
FuASMADit, aidh, s. m. {Ir. id.) A blow.
FuASXACii, a. Terrible, frightful ; tumultuous. — Shaiv.
FuASXADH, aidh, s. ?n. { An astonishing ; astonish-
ment ; a driving forward ; tumult.
FuATAiiACH, a. Active, dihgeiit, industrious. Written also
fuadarach. Com. and sup. fuataraiche.
FuATARACHD, s. f. Activity, diligence, industiiousness.
Written n\so fuadarachd.
FfATii, s. 7«. { Hate, hatred, aversion, spite; a
srarecrow, a spectre or apparition, a demon or spirit.
Diiisgidh fuath, hatred shall stir up. — Steiv. Pro. Le m'
briathraibh fuath, with their words of spite. — Sm. Frith
nam fuath, the forest of spectres. — Oss. Tem. Fuath
mhadaidli, uolfdiane. Fuath muic, harebells. — Shaw.
Fuath radan, ratsbane.
FuATiiACii, n., /;om fuath. { Hateful, abhorrent;
spectral, demoniacal. Bhur trosg is fuathach leam, your
fasting is hateful to me. — Sm.
FuATiiACHADii, aidh, s. m. A detesting, detestation, ab-
Fi'ATiiAnir, aidh, s. m. A detesting, a detestation, abhor-
FuATiiAicii, I', rr. (yrow fuath.) Hate, detest, abhor. Pret.a.
dh'fhuathaich, hated; fut. aJf. a. fuathaichidh, shall or
will abhor. Fuathaichibh olc, hate [ye] evil. — Sm. Fut.
pass, fuathaichear, shall he hated.
FiATiiAiciiTK, p. part. Hated, detested.
FuATiiAiL, a. (fuath-amhuil.) .Spectral, ghostlv, ghastly,
frightful; hateful.
Fi'ATiiAis, gen. sing, of fuathas.
+ FiATiiAis, s.f. {Ir. id.) A den. — Shaw.
Fi'ATiiAS, ais, s. m. {from fuath.) Dread, terror, surprise,
horror; a terrific spectre or apparition. Fuathas a bhàis,
the spectre of death. — Oss. Com. Theich an leanabh Ic
fuathas, the child fed with terror. — Orr.
FiiATHASACii, «., fuathas. {Ir. id.) Terrible, formidable,
hideous, horrible, dreadful; spectral. Fuathasach aiins
gach Mi, formid(dile in every place. — Oss. Fing. IV fhuatl;-
a.sach comhrag an di righ, dreadful was the contest of the
two kings. — Id. Com. and sup. fuathasaiclie.
FiATii-oiioioi, s. >n. { Bittersweet; woody night-
shade, solanum dulcamara.
FiATH-MiiAnAiDii, s. m. Wolfsbane. — Sl.r.w.
FuATii-Miioii, a. Hateful, detestable, odious, dist;ustins,
unclean. Gacli eiiu fuath-nihor, every unclean bird. ■
Slew. Rev.
FuATH-Muic, s. Harebells.
FuATii-UADAX, s.m. Ratsbane.
FuATii-TiiANXAs, ais, s. m. A hideous spectre. Fuath-
thannas nan nial, the hideous spectre of the clouds. —
Oss. Fing.
FfATii-TiioiLi.TiMXEACii, o. Hatcful, abominable. — Stew.
Ft>c, V. a. Full or mill cloth; push. Pret. a. dhThùc ;
fut. aff. a. fùcaidh, shall full.
FdcADAiu, s.m. A fuller of cloth. iV. p/. fùcadairean.
FÙCADAIREACHD, S.f. Fulling of cloth ; the occupation of
a fuller.
FÙCADII, aidh, s. 7n. The act of fulling; a fulling. — Macivt.
FuDAiDn, a. Mean, contemptible, trifling.
FÙDAR, air, s. m. Powder; gunpowder. Mhèile e gu fiidar e,
he ground it to powder. — Slew. Ex. ref. Fiidar dhurag,
worm-powder. Fiidar cluaisein, priming. Fiidar sròine,
hellebore. — Macd.
FuFAiREACiiD, S.f. The Irish cry or conclamatio at fu-
nerals. — Shaw.
Fugasg, aisg, s. m. {Ir. id.) Patience; persecution;
t FuGiiALL, aill, s. m. {Ir. id.) Judgment.
FuiCH ! An exclamation of disgust.
FuiciiEACiiD, s.f. Lust, lechery.
FuiCHEALL, ill, s. m. A reward, hire, wages.
FuiDH ! fuidh ! An e.Kclamation of disgust. Fuidh ort!
shame on you !
FuiDHEACH, a. { Thankful ; joyful.
FuiDHEAL, eil, s. in. See Fuigheall.
FuiDiiiu, s.f. Gain ; wages; a word; a vassal ; a hireling;
servitude. — Shaw.
FuiDUTE, comp.prep. Under her.
FuiDnUE, FuiDHREACii, s. pi. Attendants; an establish-
ment of servants.
FuiniiREACii, a. { Naked; exposed.
FuiDUEACHD, s.f. {Ir. id.) A mixing, a mixture.
FuiDREADii, idh, s. m. {Ir. id.) Paste.
FùiDsinn, s. {provincial.) A craven ; a conquered, despirited
Ft:iGii, V. a. Get, recover, obtain. See Faigii.
FuiGiiEAG, eig, s.f. A thrum; a loose thread or end iu
v/eaving cloth. N. pi. fuigheagan.
FriGiiEAGACH, a. Having thrums; like a thrum.
Fi iGiiEALi., ill, s. m. Remnant, refuse, relic; rare/;/, judg-
ment; word. Fuigheall an t-sluaigh, the remnant of the
people. — Stew. 1 K. Loisgidh tu am fuigheall, thou shall
burn the remainder. — Steiv. Ex.
Fl'igiii.eacii, ich, s. m. Remainder, refuse, leaving's.
Fuighkach bidh, refuse of meat.
FuiL, fola, a«rf fala, s. /. (/r. fuil.) Blood, gore ; bloodshed.
Feadh fala is air, amid blood and slaughter. — Sm. Gu fuil
is bàs, to bloodshed and death. — Id. Fàth airson fala, op-
portunity for bloodshed. — Sfeiv. Mic. Fuil bhriiite, cxtra-
vasated blood. — Macfar.
Fi'iL-ciiioxT, s. m. {Ir. id.) Blood-guiltiness.
Fi-ii.-ciiioNTAcii, a. (//■. id.) Bloody; blood-guilty. —
FuiL-niiÒRTADii, aidh, s.m. Bloodshed, blood-spilling.
Fi'iL-niiÒRTAiii, s. m. A spillcr of blood; a sanguinary
Flii.i-.ach, a., from I'uil. {Ir. id.) Bloody, sanguinary,
cruel. Comhrag I'uileach, a bloody battle. — Mae Lack.
Com. and sup. fuiliche. A righe is fuilichc lann! thoxi
king of the bloodiest sword! — Oss. Lodin.

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