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FiAMiiAiDii, a. Modest, timid, fearful, shy, skittish.
FiAMii.AN, ail), s. /«. A heinous crime ; fear.
FiAMiiAiiACiiD, s.f. A monstrous deed ; monstrousness ; a
FiAMii-GiiiiR, s.m. A smile. Fiamh-ghiiir air an gruaidh-
ean, a smile on their cheeks. — Old Song. Often written and
pronounced fè-ghairc.
FiAMiiLOCiiD, s.m. A heinous crime ; fear.
+ FiAX-niivrii, s. tn. {Ir. id.) A hut, a cottage, a booth.
FiANX, s. ?«. (Ir. id.) A Fingalian ; a giant; a warrior.
Flath nam fiann, the chief of loarriors. — UldSoncj. Writ-
ten also Fionn.
FiANXAcn, a. Like a Fingalian ; heroic; gigantic; also, -a
Fingalian hero.
FiAXXACiiAiL, a. (fiannach-anihuil.) Gigantic; heroic;
august. — Shaw.
Fi.\J!NAG, aig, s.f. A species of niountaiu-litrry, crowberry;
a mite. N. pi. fiannagach.
FiANNAGACii, a. Abounding in crowberries ; mity, having
mites. Càise fiannagach, mit>/ cheese.
FiAXNTAN, «. pZ. of fiann. Fingalians; champions.
FiANCis, s.f. {Ir. fiadhnaise.) Witness, testimony, evi-
dence ; presence ; a witness. Aire na fianuis, the ark of
the testimony. — Stew. Exod. Mar fhianuis, as a witness.
— Stew. Deut. As m' fhianuis, òig, from my presence, youth.
— Oss. Com. Tlioir fianuis, give evidence ; dean fianuis,
give evidence, bear record; tha mi a deanamh fianuis, /
bear record. — Stew. Rom.
FiANUiSEACn, a. (from fianuis.) Present, witnessing, being
an eye-witness. Tha thusa fianuiseach air so, you are wit-
ness to this; an robh thu fianuiseach ? were you present ?
FlAU, (/. { Crooked, bent, awry ; aslant; inclined;
winding; unjust; perverse; froward ; wild, fierce. Mar
lihogha fiar, like a hent boiu. — Sm. Steud na fiar-ghaoithe,
the speed of the wild wind. — Oss. Tern. Daoine fiara,y>-o-
ward men. — Stew. Job. Ann gleannaibh fiar, in winding
valleys. — Oss. Tern. Slighe fhiar, crooked, perverse ways.
— Sm. Com. and sup. fiaire.
FiAii, V. a. ( Bend, twist, make crooked; pervert;
wrest ; incline ; go aside or astray. Pret. a. dh' fhiar ;
fat. uff. a. fiaraidh. Cha 'n fhiar thu breith, thou shalt not
pervert [wrest] judgment. — Stew. Exod.
FiAK, s. m. Grass. ]\Iore frequently written fear; which
FiARACiiADH, aidh, s.m. A slanting; a bending; a per-
verting; a wresting; aslant; alìencì; perversion.
FiARACiiADii, (a), pr. part, of fiaraich. Bending ; slanting ;
perverting; wresting.
FiAKADii, aidh, s.m. The act of bending or twisting; a
whirling; perverseness ; a bend or turn ; a meander; the
cadence of a strain. Fiaradh na gaoilhe, the whirling of
the wind. — Oss. Tern. Fiaradh luciid do-bheirt, the per-
verseness of transgressors. — Stew. Pro.
FiAUADii, (a.),pr. part, of fiar. Bending, twisting, wreath-
ing; making crooked ; perverting. Fiaradh ceartais, ;)C7-
verting justice. — Slew. Mic.
FiAiiAicii, V. a. Bend, twist, make crooked; pervert.
Pret. a. dh' nuimkU bent ; fal. ajf. a. liaraicliidh, shall
FiAiiAS, ais, s. m. ( Crookedness; perverseness. —
FiAUASACii, n. Curved, crooked, bended; curve-necked.
Each fiarasach, a curve-necked horse. — Oss. Ping. Gu
fiarasacli, crookedly. Com. and sup. Harasaiche.
FiAK-ocniA, s.m. A great-grandchild. Fear-ogha 'a fhiar-
o^ha, the grandson's grandson ; fear-ogha 'ii fhir fhiar ogha,
the great-grandson's grandson ; fear-ogha fir-ogha 'n fhiar-
ogha, the grandson's grayidson's grandson.
FiAK-siii)ii,, s.f. A squint eye.
FiAR-siiuiLEACH, o. Squiut - eyed, looking askance or
FiASAG. See Feusag.
t FiASDAR, air, s. m. (Ir. id.) Anger. — Shaw.
Fiat, Fiata, a. Shy; strange; fierce; surly; distant in
manner; froward. Gu fiat, shily. Shcall Garno gu fiat
uaipe, Garno looked shily away from her. — Oss. Cathluno.
An lanih nam fineach fiat, in the hands of the strange hea-
then. — Sm. Fiat do 'n fhiata,/ro?carf/ to the forward. —
Fiataciid, s.f. Shiness ; surliness; fierceness.
Fiata I L, a. (/c. fiatghail.) A species of weed ; vetches;
FiBiiRAS, ais, s. ?n. See Fiabiiras.
t Ficii, s. ( A country village ; a castle.
FiciiEAD, a. (Ir. fichid. Arm. viguent. Lat. viginti.)
Twenty. Fichead fear, twenty men. Aon fhear that
fhichead, twenty-one men; tri fir fichead, tiventy -three men;
tri clacha fichead, twenty-three stones.
t FiciiEALL, ill, s. m. (Ir. id.) A buckle. — Shaw.
Fide AG, eig, s.f A small worm; also, a kind of bird. —
FiDEAGACii, a. Like a small worm ; full of little worms.
FiDH, V. More properly _^i/^ ; which see.
FiDHEADAiu, s. m. See Figiteadaik.
FiDiiEAi.L, fidhle, s.f. A violin or fiddle. Bogha fidhle,
Swed. fiol. Du. fiool. Fr. violle. Ir. fidil. It. viola.
Eng. viol.
FIdiile, geii. sing, of fidheall.
Finn LEAR, eir, s. vi. A performer on the violin, a fidillcr.
N. pi. fidhleirean.
FÌDiii.EAUACiiD, S.f. (fidhlear.) The occupation of a fiddler;
performing on the violin, fiddling. Ag ionnsachadh na
fidhlearachd, learning to play on the fiddle.
FiDiu, V. a. Consider, ponder, weigh, exaTuine, sound or
search; prove by trial. Pret. a. dh' fhidir, examined;
fut. aff. a. fidiridh. Fidir is ceasnaieli mi, prove and e3>
amine me. — Sm. An d' fhidir sibh an eabhiach ard? did
you examine the lofty fleet ? — Fingalian Poem. Nur dhr'
fhidireas mi m' atliair, ivheji I shall have sounded my father.
— Stew. Sam.
Fidir, s. 7n. A teacher. iV. p/. fidirean.
FiDiREACii, a. Considerate, thoughtful; prving, inquisi-
tive. Com. and sup. fidiriche.
FiDiUEACiiADii, aidh, s.m. A considering; a prying; an
examining; experience. — Stew. Rom.
FiniUEACiiD, s.y. Considerateness ; minuteness: inquisi-
FiDiUEADii, aidh, s.m. A considering, examining, exami-
nation ; experience.
FioiKicii, V. a. Examine, ponder, consider. Pret. a. dh'
fiiidirich, c.camined ; fut. aff. a. fidirichidh, shall examine.
FiiiuuciiTE, p. part, of fidirich. Examined,
t Fiu, fige, s.f. A slit. — Shaw.
FIge, s.f. A fig, u fig-tree. — Stew. Jer.
Lat. fic-us. Germ. fige. Ir. fige. Fr. figue.
Fig EI u, s.f. A figure; provincial.
FiGii, V. a. Weave, plait, twine, twist, wreathe. J'rel. a.
dh' thigh, wcaved ; fut. aff. a. fighidh, shalltvcave ; /j. part.
, figiite, woven.
FiGiiEACiiAN, ain, s. m. A garland, a wreatl .

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