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■}■ AiCE, ad". Near, close, at hand.
AicEAR, a. Angry, severe, cruel. Lat. acer.
AiCHBiiEiL, s. f. Revenge, vengeance. Thoir dhomh
aichbheil, re-ceiigeme. — Steic. G. B. Written also o/c^yn^ri/.
AiCHBiiEiLEACii, a. {from aichbheil.) Revengeful, vindic-
tive, full of vengeance. Com. and sup. aichbeiliche, more
or most rexengejul.
AicuBiiEiLEACHD, s.f. (from aichbheil.) Revengefulness,
AiCHEADH, s. ni. Refusal, denial, disavowal, recantation.
Cuiras aicheadh, deny, disaxo-u: ; thug e dhomh an aicheadh,
he gave ?ne the refusal.
Aicheadh, r. a. Deny, refuse, disavow, recant, renounce.
Pret. a. dh'aicheadh, refused ; fut. aff. a. aicheadhaidh,
shall refuse; aicheadhaidh mise esan, / u)Y/ deny him. —
Stcn: Mat.
Aicheadhaidh, /u/. aff. a. of aicheadh. Shall or will deny.
AiciiEUX, V. a. Deny, refuse, disavow, recant, renounce.
Pret. a.à\ì ■aichevca, denied ; fut . aff. a. aicheunaidh, shall deny.
t AiciiiLL, a. Able, powerful ; dexterous, handy. //•.
t Aichilleachd, «.y". Strength; dexterity. Ir.
t AiciD, s. y. A disease, sickness; accident; a stitch; a
sudden pain.
AiciiMirEiL, s. f. Vengeance, revenge; written also
Aichmheileach, a. Revengeful, vengeful; written also
t Aid, s. m. A piece, portion, morsel.
Aideachadii, aidh, s. m. Confession, acknowledgment.
Aideaciiaidh, gen. sing, of aideachadh.
Aideachail, (i. c. aideach-amhuil), a. Affirmatory ; con-
fessing, acknowledging.
t AiDiiBHEAN, s. in. A stranger, foreigner. Ir.
t AiDiiBHEiL, 5. A wonder ; a boasting.
t AiDBiiEiL, s. Huge, enormous, vast.
t AiDHBHSEAN, cln, s. m. A spectre, a phantom, sprite.
t AiDHEACH, ich, s.f. A milch cow. — Sha-w.
AiDiiEAR, ir, i. w. Joy, gladness ; firmament. Dhuisg an
aidiiear, their joy broke forth. — Oss. Trath. Rinn e an
t-aidhear, lie made the firmament. — Stev:. Gen. ref. Written
also, except in the last sense, aighear, which see.
.\iDHEAUAcn, 0. Joyful, glad.
-AiDHLE, s.f. A cooper's adze.
t AiDHME, i. /". Dress, decoration. See Aigiieam.
"t AlDHNE, S.f. Age.
AiDicji, r. «. Confess, own, acknowledge; affirm, avow,
avouch. Pret. a. dli'aidich, confessed ; fut. aff. a. aidichidh,
shall or ziill acknowledge ; fut. neg. aidich, cha n àidich mi,
I -trill not confess.
AiDiciiEAJi, (for aidichidh mi), 1 sing. fut. aff. a. of aidich.
I will confess. Aideacheam thn, / will confess thee. —
Stezi:. Rom.
AiDiciiEAM, 1 sing. imp. a. of aidich. Let me confess, own,
or acknowledge.
AiDicnEAR,yu^ pass, of aidich. Shall be confessed, owned,
or affirmed.
AiDiciiTE, p. part, of aidich. Confessed, owned, acknow-
ledged, affirmed.
AiDMHEiL, s.f. Confession, profession, declaration, ac-
knowledgment. A reir bhur n-aidmheil, according to your
profession. — Ste-ii:. 2 Cor. Aidmheil na firinn, the acknou-
ledgment of the truth. — Steiv. 2 Tim.
AiDMHEiLEACH, a. (/ro/n aidmheil.) Of or belonging to a
confession ; declaratory.
AiDMiiEiLEAR, ir, s. m. (aidmheil-fhear.) A confessor, a
professor; a declarer.
AiDMHEiNT, s./. (La^ adv&ntus.) The advent. — Shaw.
AiDMiiicii, V. a. Confess, own, acknowledge. Pret. a.
dh' aidmhich, coi f cased ; fat. aff. a. aidmhichidh, shall or
icill confess.
AiByiiiiCHT'E, p. part, of aidmhich. See Aidich.
t Aifir, s.f. Blame, fault.
AiFRioxN, inn, s. m. The Romish mass. Ir. aifrionn.
AiG, prep. At, on, or in possession. Tha claidheamh aig
an duine so, this man has a sziord. Aig often imparts to
the noun it governs, the signification of a genitive case,
and then it may be considered as an abbreviated form of
th'aig ; as, an stoc aig Fionnghal, Fingal's horn ; (i. e. an
stoc a tha aig Fionnghal.) — Oss. Fing.
t Aig, s.f This ancient vocable is now gone into disuse;
but it is seen in composition with other words ; as,
aigeal, aigean. It means the source of all substances ;
also a sea, a shoal. The word aigo, in Languedoc and
in Cantabria, has the same signification.
AiGE, comp. pron. At him, with him, on him, in his posses-
sion ; at it, with it ; also his ; its. /;■. id.
t AioBHEiL, s.f. Terror ; now written eagal.
+ AiGBiiEiLEACH, «. Terrific, terrible, fearful ; now written
AiGEACH, ich, i. m. (aigli, mettlesome, and each, horse.) A
Aigeal, eil, s. m. (from f aig.) The deep ; an abyss ; pool ;
sea ; bottom of an abyss. Do bhreacan air uachdar
aigeil, thy plaid [Jloats] on the surface of the pool. — Old
Song. luchair an t-sluichd gun aigeal, the key of the
bottomless pit. — Stew. Re'.\ ref. jV.^/. aigealan. ir. aigiol,
the bottom if a valley ; written also aigean, which see.
AiGEALACii, a. (from aigeal.) Of or pertaining to an
abyss ; full of abysses.
AiGEAL.ix, n. pi. of aigeal. Abysses, seas, pools.
AiGEALLACH, o. Pufl'ed up, elate; spirited, mettlesome,
gallant. Com. and sup. aigeallaiche, viore or most spirited.
AiGEALLADH, aidh, s. m. Speech, conversation, language;
a dialogue. Ag eisdeachd aigeallaidh do bheòil, listening
to thy speech. — Old Song.
Aigeallaiche, com. and ii/p. of aigeallach. More or most
spirited. Is e 's aigeallaiche na thusa, he is more spirited
than thou art ; is tu 's aigeallaiche dhe 'n triùir, thou art
the most spirited of the three.
Aigeallax, s. m. A breast-pin ; a jewel; ear-ring; tassel;
toy. /;-. aigilin.
AiGEAS, ein, s. m. (from t aig-) Gr. oxiav-o?, ocean. Jl'.
eigiawn. 7r. aigean. An abyss ; deep; pool; sea; the
bottom of an abyss. Aghaidh an aigein, the surface of the
deep. — Stew. Gen. Writf'jn also aigeal.
AiGEAXACii, a. (from aigean.) Of or belonging to an
abyss; full of abysses.
AiGEAxxACH, a. (from aigne.) Spirited, mettlesome ; mag-
nanimous ; cheerful.
AiGEA.vNACiiD, ^.(//■om aigne.) Mettlesomeness ; sprightli-
ness ; magnanimity ; cheerfulness.
AiGEANTACH, a. (from aigne.) Spirited; sprightly; mettle-
some; cheerful; magnanimous; ■written &]so aigeannach.
AiGEAXTACHD, S.f. ( /Vom aigne.) Spiritedness, sprightli-
ness; cheerfulness; magnanimity; written ?lÌso aigeannachd.
AiGEiCH, gen. sing, of àigeach, which see.
Aigeil, gen. sing, of aigeal. Of an abyss ; of a pool.
AiGEiN, gen. sing, of aigean.
AiGH, a. Happy, prosperous; liberal; auspicious; proud;
mettlesome ; glorious. An reul aigh lulorno, the glorious
star lulorno. — Oss. Dargo.
Aigh, s.m. Happiness; prosperity ; joy ; mettlesomeness;

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