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MÀR-ROS, s. m. (Ir. id.) Rosemary.
Maiiuuit, comp. ]>ron. {for maille luit.) With thee, along
with thee, on thy side. — Stew. Gen.
M.viiiiUJi, comp. pron. More properly ?nrt7" 7ÌHm ; which see.
MARs-tDH, aiilh, s. m. Marchin;;; a march.
MAns.\i., ail, s. 7)1. (prov.) A merchant; a shopkeeper.
N. pi. marsalan.
MÀRSAL, ail, s. m. A marshal. Properly marasyal; which see.
MÀRSAI., ail, s. m. Marching.
Marsalaciid, s.f. (prov.) The business of shopkeeping.
MAnsALADH, aidh, s. 7n. A marching; a marshalling.
Marsan, ain, s. m. A merchant; a shopkeeper.
Mausamaciiii, s.f. Merchandise; the occupation of a
Mar sik, tidv. In that way, in that manner; so, thus ; in
that direction. Ceart mar sin, just so ; tha e mar sin, he
or it is so; mar sin bha mi òg, so was I in my youth. — Old
Poem. Mar sin mairidh an iomradh, thus their fame shall
last. — Id. Mar sin fhein, just so ; so so.
Mar so, adv. In this way, in this manner; thus, so. Is ann
mar so tha 'chiiis, the case statids thus ; mar so chaith sinn
an oidhche, thus we spent the niyht. — Oss.
Marsoxta, A merchant. — Macfar. Voc. N. pi. mar-
Marsontachd, s.f. Merchandise; the business of a mer-
chant; shopkeeping. — Stew. Rev. ref
Mar sud, adv. In that way or manner; in yon way or
manner; in that direction. Mar sud agus, i/" so, ?/"i< òe so;
then, so also.
Mart, mairt, s.f. (Lat. Martius. /;■. Mart.) The month of
Mart, mairt, s. f. (Ir. mart. Scotch, mart.) A cow.
Dròbh nam mart, the drove of cows. — Macdon. Mart-
geamhraidh, a winter mart ; a cow killed for winter food.
MArtaix, s.f. Martin; Martinmas. La fheill Mhartain,
Martinmas-day , or the festival of St. Martin.
Mautair, s. m. A cripple; a maimed or mutilated person;
also, one who maims.
Martaxacii, ulch, s. m. (/r. martineach.) A cripple.
Mart-biiainne, s.f. A milch cow. Da mhart-bhainne,
two milch cows. — Stew. Sam.
Mart-fheòil, -fheòla, s.f. (Ir. id.) Beef.
Martraich, v. a. Maim, lame, mutilate. Pref. a. rahar-
traich, maimed.
Ma 's, for ma is. (/;•. id.) If. Ma's è, if it be; if it be
he; ma's e agus, if it be; ma's e agus gn, ij~ it be that,
if it so be that ; ma 's f hior dha fhein, in his own belief.
Mas, conj. Ere, before. Mas can gur masgul e, before it
be called flattery. — Old Sony.
Mis, màis, s. m. {Ir. id.) A thigh; a hip; a buttock; a
breech ; a mace. A'', pi. màsan.
t Mas, a. {Ir. id.) Excellent; handsome — {Shaw); round,
M.VsACii, a. Having large thighs or hips. Laoch plocach
màsach, a sturdy stout-thighed fellow. — -Macfar.
Mas AO LAS, ais, s.m. A species of red berry.
M.tsAiR, s. m. A mace-bearer. — Macd. A man with large
thighs. N. pi. màsairean.
MÀSAX, n. pi. o{ mà.s. Thighs; hips; buttocks.
ÌVIÀSAN, ain, s.m. {Ir. id.) Delay, dilatoriness, slowness;
a reproof.
.MÀSAXACII, a., /ro/« mas. { Slow, dilatory, tedious.
Com. and sup. masanaiche. Gu masanach, dilatorily.
Masan-aciid, s.f. Dilatoriness, slowness, tcdiousness.
Masdl'IDii, s. 7n. (/r. masdidh. ybvH. mastin. Eng. mastiff.)
A large dog or mastifl'. A', pi. masduidhcan.
Masduidiieacii, a. Like a mastifl'.
Ma skacii, adv. and prep. Alternately; one by one; in
turn ; to and fro. A geilleadh ma seach, yielding one by
one. — Oss. Fing. Guil-sa ma seach, sweep thou in thy
turn. — Old Poem. Fear ma seach, one by one.
Ma seadh, conj. {Ir. id.) If so, if it be so ; then, in that
Maso, v. a. {Ir. id.) Infuse; mix; steep malt for brew-
ing. Prct. a. mhasg, infused ; fut. aff. a. masgaidh, shall
Masgadii, aidli, s. 7n. {Ir. id.) The process of infusing;
a steeping, a? of malt for brewing; an infusion. lonad
masgaidh, a place for steeping 7nalt.
Masgair, s. m. {Ir. id.) One who steeps or infuses; a
Masgul, nil, s. 7n. Flattery; cajoling. Mas can gur mas-
gul e, before it be called flattery, — Old Sony.
Masgulacii, a. Sycophantic; inclined to flatter or cajole ;
like flattery. Gu masgulach, in a sycophantic manner.
Masgulaciid, s.f. Sycophancy; the practice of flattery;
a cajoling disposition.
Masgulaiche, s. ?n. A sycophant, a flatterer.
Masla, ai, s. rn. See Masladh.
Maslacii, a. { Disgraceful, shameful; degrading,
reproachful ; slanderous. lomchar maslach, disgraceful
Maslaciiadh, aidh, s. m. An affronting; a reproaching;
a degrading ; scandalising ; an affront ; a reproach ; de-
gradation ; slander. Fhuair e 'inhaslachadh, he was dis-
Maslachadh, (a), p. pnr<. of maslaich. AftVonting ; re-
proaching ; disgracing, degrading ; shaming ; sb.ndering.
Masladii, aidh, s.m. {Tcut. maschcl, a stain.) An affront;
a reproach; a disgrace; scandal; shame. A mhasladh,
his reproach. — Stew. Pro. Cha mhasladh sith ri laoch,
peace with a hero is no disgrace. — Old Poe7n. Masladh
bilh-bhuan, everlasting sha>ne. — Stew. Jer. I\Io nàire 's
mo mhasladh ! shame and confusion !
Maslaicii, v. a. (/r. maslaigh.) Affront; reproach; scan-
dalise, slander, degrade. Pret. a. mhaslaich ; fut. aff. a.
maslaichidh ; fit. pass, maslaichear, shall be reproached.
Ma nihaslaichear sibh, if ye be reproached. — Steiv.Pet.
IMaslaiciite, p. pari, of maslaich. Affronted; reproached;
disgraced, degraded, shamed.
Maslail, a. (raasladh-anihifil.) Disgraceful.
Maslaix, s.f. Mastlin ; mong-corn.
Masluciiadii. See Maslachadh.
Masluich. See Maslaicii.
MATA,co?y. { If so; nevertheless; then; however.
Ma ta tha, indeed it is ; indeed he is. Bheil thu falbh ? ma
ta tha, are you going ? yes I am, yes indeed. Ni mise e
ma ta, / will do it then. Ma ta gu dearbh, indeed, verily.
t Mata, a. {} Dark, gloomy ; great. — Shaw.
t Mata, ai, s. ?h. (//•. id.) A matrass.
Matag, aig, s. /. {Eng. mattock.) A hoe, spade, or
mattock. — Macd. K. pi. matagan.
Matagach, a. Like a hoe, spade, or mattock.
Math, a. Good, virtuous; becoming, pleasant ; excellent;
well ; agreeable. Duine math, a _r;oorf »ia;i ; {Ar/n. den ma);
la math, a fine day ; la math-dhuit, good day to you; gu
matli, well; gu Ian mhath, rjuitc well; is math learn sin,
/ am glad of that; is math fhuair thu, you did well.
Written also 7naith ; which see. Com. and sup. fearr.
Arab, madi, good. Germ. mod. Box. Lex. mad. Ir.

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