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bruising, a maiming; a stab, a wound, a bruise; rarely,
fornication. Lot airson lotaidli, wound for wound. — Steru.
LoTADH, 3 sinij. and pZ. imper. a. of lot. Lotadh e, iad, let
him, them, wound. Also, -pret. pass, tvas wounded. Lotadli
ciocha geal Ghràine, the fair breast of Grana was wounded.
— Oss. Derm.
LoTADii, (a), pr. part, of lot; which see.
LoTAR, air, s. m. {Ir. id.) A ruining; a mangling.
LoTAR, fut. pass, of lot. Shall be wounded. See Lot.
t Loth, s. m. {Ir. id.) A beard ; sweat.
Loth, s. m. and/. A filly, a foal, a colt; a meal or diet.
Loth asail, an ass's colt. — Stew. Gen,
LoTHACH. See Làthach.
Loth AG, aig, s. f. (dim. of loth.) A young filly, foal, or
colt; a little filly, foal, or colt. i\^. p/. lothagan.
Lothainn-chon, s. a pack of hounds.
Lothair, s. m. {Ir. id.) Lavender. Uisge an lothair,
lavender water.
LoTHAL, ail, s. VI. The plant brooklime.
t LoTHAR, air, s. m. {Ir. id.) An assembly; a cauldron;
a trough ; a hound ; cloth ; raiment. — Shaw.
t Lu, a. {Ir. id.) Little, small.
t LuA, s. m. {Ir. id.) Water; an oath, a foot; a hand ;
a kick. — Shaw.
LuACH, luacha, s. m. {Ir. id.) Value, worth, price, wages;
Luach na lainn ud, the value of that sword. — Oss. Derm.
Bithidh cuimhne air do liiach, thy worth shall be remeyn-
bered. — Macfar. Luach ciatach, a goodly price. — Stew.
Zech. Luach saoithreach, price of labour, hire, wages ;
cha deanainn air mhòr luach e, / would not do it for any
consideration; luach peighinn, a pennyworth; luach-saor-
dXàh., a ransom ; \axì-\\x?ìc\\, full price. — Stew.\ Chr.
t LuACHAiD, s.f. { Frost.
LuACHAiL, a. (luach-amhuil.) Rateable.
LuACHAiR, s.f. { Splendour; brightness; a tem-
LuACHAiR, gen. sing, of luachar.
Luach AiRNEACH, ich, s.f. {Ir. id.) A place where bul-
rushes, reeds, or rushes grow.— Macd.
LuACH-AisiG, s. m. A ferryage, a water-fare. Phaigh e 'n
luach-aisig, he paid the water-fare. — Stew. Jon.
Luachar, gen. luachair and luachrach, s.f. A bulrush, a
rush ; the scirpus palustris of botanists. Fàich na luach-
rach, the rushy plain. — Oss. Gaul. Caol-rath nan aid 's
na luachair, the vale of streams and rushes. — Oss. Tern.
Luach-armunn, uinn, s. m. More ^ra'perly luch-armunn ;
which see.
LuACHARN, aim, s. m. {Ir. id. Lat. lucerna.) A lamp.
Luachmhoire, cu7n. and sup. of luachmhòr. More or most
LuACHMHOiREACHD, S.f. (/r. luachmharachd.) Valuable-
ness, preciousness, excellence.
LuACHMHÒR, a., luach and mòr. (//•. luachmhar.) Valu-
able, precious, excellent. Nithe luachrahor, precious things.
— Stew. Jer.
LuACHRACH, gen. si/ig. of luachar.
Luachrach, a., from luachar. {Ir. id.) Full of rushes;
rushy ; like a rush ; made of rushes. An glacag luachrach,
the rushy dell. — Macint. Raon luachrach, a rush-covered
meadow. — Orr.
Luachrach, aich, s.f. A place where rushes grow ; a crop
of rushes.
LuACH-PEiGiiiNN, s. m. A pennyworth. Deagh luach-
peighinn, a good pennyioorth.
LuACH-SAORAiDH, s. m. A ransom. A thug e fein na luach-
saoraidh, who gave himself a ransom. — -Stew. Tim. ref.
LuACH-SAOiTH REACH, s. m. A reward, hire, wages,
t LuAD, luaid, s. in. A joint; the little finger.
LtTADAiR, s. m. {Ir. id.) A flax -wheel; the flier of a jack.
LuADAR, air, s.m. {Ir. id.) Motion, haste.
Luadh, luaidh, s. in. A fulling of cloth. — Macint. See
Luadh, luaidh, s. m., dh silent. {Ir. id. Span, lua.) Men-
tion ; panegyric, praise ; conversation ; rumour ; talk ;
rarely, motion. Gun luadh ri eiridh, without word of rising.
— Ull. Mac mo luaidh, the son ofiny praise. — Oss. A
luadh air sgeul mo ghradh, his talk of [concerning] the tale
of my love. — Oss. Gaul.
Luadh, v. a. {Ir. id.) Mention ; praise ; converse.
Luadhadair, s.m. A fuller. A'', p/. luadhadairean.
Luadhadaireachd, s.f Fulling; the business of a
Luadhadh, aidh, s. TO. A mentioning ; a praising; a fulling
of cloth. For this last sense, see Luathadh.
LuADHAiRLE, S.f. Motion, excrcise. — Shaw.
Lu adhar, fut. pass, of luadh. Shall be praised.
LuADH-GHÀiR, s.m. A shout of joy ; a loud laugh ; joy.
Written also luagh-ghàir.
LuADHMHOiRE, co/«. and sup. of luadhmhor.
LuADHMHOiREACHD, S.f. The Condition of being renowned.
Luadhmhor, a. (luadh-mor.) Renowned, notable. Lanna
luadhmhor, renowned arms. — Old Poem. Gu luadhmhor,
in a notable manner. Com. and sup. luadhmhoire.
LuADHRADH, aidh, S.m. Fame, report.
LuADHRAicn, V. a. (/r. luadhridh.) Report; make re-
nowned or notable.
LuADHREAL, eil, s. TO. (/rora luadh, jiraise.) Laurel. Coron
luadhreil, a coronet of laurel.
LuAG, luaig, s. f. A doll. Do luag a leinibh, thy doll, my
child. — Old So7ig. N. pi. luagan.
LuAGH, luaigh, s.m. (Gr. /oyia. /r. luadh.) Mention;
talk. See Luadh.
LuAGH-GHÀiR, s.f. (luadh-ghair.) A loud rejoicing; a
shout of joy; aloud laugh; joy; rarely, a reward. Le
luaghair, with joy.- — Stew. Zeph.
Luaghaireach, a. Joyous, rejoicing; rejoicing loudly, or
shouting with joy. Sa chathair luaghaireach, in the re-
joicing city. — Stew. Zeph.
Luaghaireachd, s.f. Continued joy; rejoicing.
Luaghasachadh, aidh, s. m. A permitting, allowing;
permission. Also written luathasachadh.
LuAGHLAS, ais, s.m. (flua, hand, and glas.) A manacle, a
handcuff", a fetter.
Luaghsachd, s.f. Permission; readiness to give per-
LuAGHSAiCH, V. a. Permit, allow. Pret. a. luaghsaich,
permitted ; fut. aff. a. luaghssichidh, shall permit. Cha
luaghsaich mi dhuit, / will not allow you. Also written
LvAous.McuTE, p. part, of luaghsaich. Permitted, allowed.
LuAGHUTA, s. m. The gout; the gout in the fingers.
Luaidh, v. Mention; praise; make noted ; full, as cloth.
Pret. a. id.; fut. aff. luaidhidh, shall mention.
Luaidh, luaidhe, s./. {Dan.\eey,a song. Eng. \a.y.) Praise;
mention ; a song or poem in praise of one ; a beloved per-
son ; love ; the subject of one's praise ; lead. Gun fhilidh,
gun luaidh, without bard, without praise. — Oss. Tern. Is

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