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FAladaiu, s. vi. A sithe ; a mower; oris. larunn fàla-
dair, a sithc.
FAi.ADAiui-.ACiiD, s. /. Cutting with a sithe, as grass.
Ris an fliiiladaireachd, [at the] viowing [of] grass.
Faladas, ais, s. OT. Chastisement; grudge, spite.
FAladii, aidh, s. vi. Hatred ; a grudge; a feud.
Falaich, v. a. Hide, conceal, cover, veil; keep secret;
keep covered. Pict. a. dh'fhalaich, hide; fut. aff. a. fal-
aichidh, shall hide. Written aiso/o/aic7i ; which sec.
Falaid, s. /. A gloss, a polish; meal put on a cake to
whiten it.
Falain, s./. (ia<. balrena. /;-. folain.) A whale. — Shaw.
Falaiu, s. m. An ambler; a pacing horse; an entertain-
ment ; a funeral.
Falairf.achd, s. /. (/■;•. falarachd.) Ambling; pacing;
Fai-aisc, s.f. A heath-burning, a moor-burning; a festive
fire. Mar fhalaisg air Laoire, like a Jlame on the heath of
Lara. — Oss. Conn. A leum o fhalaisg an aonaich, bound-
ing from the heath-burning. — Id. Verhaps falaisg \sfal-losg.
Fala:man, ain, s. m. The rotula, or whirlbone of the knee ;
the knee-pan.
Falamh, a. {Ir. id. £»<;. fallow.) Empty, void ; vacant;
unoccupied ; wanting substance ; vain. Fàsach falamh,
an empty ivilderjiess. — Stew. Deut. Air ionad falamh, on a
void space. — Sm. Com. and sup. falaimhe. Falamh is also
written /bfam/i.
Falamh ACiiu, s.f. Emptiness, voidness, vacancy ; avoid.
Falamhaicii, v. a. Empty; make void. Pret. a. dh'fha-
lamhaich, emptied ; fut. aff. a. falamhaichidh.
Falaras, ais, s. m. Pacing, ambling ; horsemanship.
Falbh, v. n. Go; begone; depart; retire. Pret. a. dh
fhalbh, went; fut. off. a. falbhaidh, shall go. Na suinn a
dh'fhalbh, the departed heroes. — Oss. Com. Falbhaibh
fathast, depart yet. — Stew. 1 K. Air falbh, gone ; bi falbh,
Falbh, s. jn. A going, a retiring; a withdrawing; a de-
parture ; motion, gait, air. Falbh nam fear crodha, the
departure of the brave. — Mac Co. Cia mòrdha a falbh!
how majestic her gait ! — Mac Lack. Air falbh, gone ; de-
cayed in person ; fad air falbh, /f(r off.
Falbh, (a), pr. part, of falbh. Going, retiring, departing.
Tonnan a briseadh 's a falbh, waves breaking and retiring.
— Oss. Tern.
Falbhach, a. (from falbh.) Moving, walking, travelling. 1»
eigin do 'n fheumach a bhi falbhach, the needy must keep
moving. — G. P.
Falbhach, alch, s. m. One troubled with the hiccup. — Shaw.
A body, a carcass.
Falbhaidh, /m<. aff. a. of falbh. Shall go.
Falbhan, ain, s. m. (from falbh.) ÌNIotion, agitation ; loco-
motion, creeping. Falbhan a chiabh, the agitation of his
locks. — Oss. Tern. Tha e air falbhan, he is able to go
about; he walks about.
Falbhan'ach, a. Ambulatory, in motion.
Falbhaxachd, s.f. Travelling; motion ; ambulatoriness ;
locomotion ; struggling.
+ Falc, failc, s.f. {Ir. id.) A flood ; a frost; bairenness
from drought.
+ Falc, a. ( Sterile, barren; parched, as ground with
Falcag, aig, s.f. A species of sea-fowl.
Falcaik, s. wi. A scoffer; a cheat. iV^. p/. falcairean.
Falcaiueachd, s. /. Scoffing; the practice of scoffing;
Falcair, FiADHAiN, s. m. Male pimpernel; anagallis
Falcas, ais, s. m. (Ir. id.) A shade, a shadow. — Shaw.
FaldhA, s. m. A jest; fun, mirth. Ri {Adhii, jesting ;
cho robh mi ach ri faldhà, I tvas only in fun ; is trie chaidh
faidhii gu fal-rireadh, often has fun ended in earnest. — G. P.
Eadar fhaldhà 's rireadh, between jest and earnest.
Fal-dos, -dois, s. m. A thorn-hedge.
t Falladh, aidh, s. m. (Ir. falla.) Dominion, power, rule.
Fallaid, s.f. See Falaid.
Fallain, a. (Ir. id.) Healthy; salubrious; wholesome,
sound. Cridhe fallain, a sound heart. — Stew. Pro. Teanga
fhallain, a wholesome tonguc.^Id. Gu slàn fallain, sound
and healthy. Com. and sup. fallaine.
Falla INF., s.f. {Ir. id.) Healthiness; wholesomeness ;
Fallaineachd, s.f. Wholesomeness, healthiness ; health,
soundness. Fallaineachd, wholesomeness. — Macint. Fall-
aineachd am fheòil, soundness in my bones. — Sm. Fallain-
eachd inntinn, souiidness of mind.
t Fallamhxachd, s.f. {Ir. id.) Rule, dominion. — .Shu>v.
t Fallamhnas, ais, s. m. (Ir. id.) A kingdom, dominion.
Fallsa, a. False, deceitful, treacherous. Ammeasgbhraithre
fallsa, among false brethren. — Stetv. Cor. ref.
Zaf. falsus. yeu<. valschcHdfalsch. ^4r;7i. fals. /r. fallsa.
Fallsa-mhanach, a deceitful monk. Arm. fals vanach. '
Fallsachd, s.f. (Ir. id.) Falseness, deceitfulness, treache-
rousness ; philosophy.
Fallsaih, s. m. (Arm. falser.) A liar, a deceiver, a traitor.
N. pi. fallsairean, liars. Arm. falseyren.
Fallsail, a. (fallsa-anihuil.) False, deceitful, treacherous.
Gu fallsail, falsely.
Fallsanach, aich, s. m. A falsifier.
Fallsanachd, s.f. Falsehood; treachery.
Faloisgeach, a. Combustible.
Fal-losgadh, aidh, s. m. A conflagration ; combustion ;
heath-burning. — Shaw.
Falluinge, Falluinn, s.f. A cloak, a mantle, a garment,
a hood. Sliabh na falluinge duirche, the dark-mantled
hill. — Oss. Taura. FalUiinn an fhir, the herd's mantle. —
Oss. Derm.
W. faling. Ir. falainn. Arm. fallaenn. Lat. pallium.
Falluingeach, Falluin veach, a. Robed; clothed with
a garment ; like a garment.
Falluinn. See F.vlluixge.
Fallus, uis, s.f. (Ir. id.) Perspiration, sweat. Fallus do
ghniiis, the sweat of thy brow. — Steto. Gen. Cuir fallus
dhiot, perspire ; tha mi 'm fhliuch f hallus, / am perspiring
all over. N. pi. fallusan;
Fallusach, o. Perspiring ; sudorific.
Fallusaich, v. Perspire, sweat; cause to perspire. Pret. n.
dh'fhallusaich ; fut. aff. a. fallusaichidh., s. Alum.
Falmadaiu, s. OT. A rudder ; a tiller. Cha robh falmadair
gun sgoltadh, there ivas not a rudder unsplit. — Macdon.
Falmhaich, ?'. a. Empty, pour out. Pret. a. dh'fhalmhaieh,
emptied. Dh'fhalmhaich i a soitheach, she emptied her
vessel. — Steiv. O. T. Fut. aff. a. faimhaichidh, shall empty.
— Stew. Ecc. Fut. pass, falmhaichear. Falrohaichear e,
he shall be Jnade empty. — Stezv. Neh.
FAl-ni, s. m. A trifle ; a trifling matter. Air fàl-ni na caith
do chuid, ivaste not thy substance on trifles. — Old Didactic
Faloisg, s.f. (/r. faolscadh.) A moor-burning, a heath-
burning; a fire of joy or of triumph. Measg faloisg nan
dan, during the festive fires and the songs. — Oss. Fing.
Fal-rireadh, s. m. Earnest; any thing but jest.
Falt, fuilt, s. m. The hair of the head ; locks, ringlets.

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