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bheus, Tvavcs at peace. — Os.s. N. pi. beusan. Beus na
tuath air am bithear, is e 'nilhear, the u-ay of the folk you
Ike with is what you muif foUuTV. — G. P.
Beusach, a. (fi-um beus.) Well-behaved, modest, well-bred,
gentle. Mar aiteal beusach, /ike a gentle breeze. — Oss. Tern.
Com. and sup. beusaiche.
Beutail, «.y; Cattle; a cow. P;-. bataille.
B'fheakr, {for bu fhearr.) Were better, was better, \vert
better. See Feauh.
Bu', {for bha), v. Was, wert, were.
Bha, {pret.ofaii.v.rerb be.) Was, wert, were. Bha samhladh
na bha a boillsgeadh, the spectres of those leho [uere] once
existed were shining. — Oss. Comala. Bha ghealach air
eudan nan earn, the muon -was on the face of the rocks. —
Oss. Lodin.
Bhac, })rct. a. of'bac. Hindered, interrupted, forbade. See
BiiAGAiB, prct. a. of bagair. Threatened.
Bhaigh, asp. form of baigh ; which see.
BhXin. See Ban.
BiiAiRD, voc. sing, and gen. sing. asp. of bard. See Bard.
Bhàis, asp. form of bàis, gen. sing, of bas ; which see.
Bhalbh, asp. form of balbh. See Balbii.
Bhallacii, asp. form of ballach ; which see.
BiiALLAiBir, asp. form of balla.
Biiallaibii, dat. pi. asp. form of ball ; which see.
BiiAn, a., asp. form of ban. White, fair, pale. Arm. venn.
See Ban.
BiiAn, a bhàn, adv. {Swcd. afan, frotn above.) Down,
downwards. Gun suidheadh e bhàn gu fonn, that he
u-ould sit to sing. — Oss. Tern. Cuir a bhan e, put
him or it doiin.
Bhaobii, voc. of baobh. O wicked woman! Also the asp.
form of baobh. Mad, foolish, wicked.
Bhaotii, asp. form of baoth ; which see.
Biiard, asp. form of bard ; which see.
Bhàrr, s., asp. form of bàrr. See Bàrr.
Bhàrr, [o bhàrr], prep. From, from off, down from. Bhàrr
aghaidh na talmhainn, from the surface of the earth. — G. B.
Theiring i bhàrr a chamhuil, she alighted from the camel. —
•Ste-o. Gen. Bharr do chos, from ojf thy feet. — Stew. E.v.
A bharr air sin, over and above that, besides that ; bharr an
rathaid, off the way ; bharr an fheòir, off the grass, of the
pasture. — Stew. 1 K. Bharr a leapach, from his bed, off
his bed. — Stew. 2 Sam. Bharr na ciche, weaned.
Bharracud, (a), ;))r;). Besides; over and above. A bhar-
rachd air a cheud ghorta, besides the first famine. — Stew.Gen.
BhXs, asp. form of bas ; wjiich see,
Bhat, ai/j./oraiof bat. A staff. Moh\\a.\.,my stick. See Bat.
BuXt, asp. form oihku A boat. A.h\ik\., his boat. See Bat.
Bheacu, s., asp. form of beach.
Bheaciid, asp. form of beachd, s. /". Opinion. A reir mo
bheachd, in my opinion.
Bheachdaich, f ;-e/. o. of beachdaich. Viewed, reviewed.
Bheag, as/). /orra of beag. Little. Cha d' fhuair iad a bheag,
they got not the leait.
BiiEAiRT, a.^p.form of beairt.
BnEAN, pret. a. of bean. Touched, handled. See Bean.
Bhean, aip. form of bean. Wife, woman. A bhean, Ais
wife. Also voc. sing.
Bheannaich, pret. a. of beannaich. Blessed.
Bheannaichte, asp. form of beannaichte ; which see.
Bheil, pres. neg. and inter, of bi. Am, art, are.
Bheileam, {for blieil mi.) Am I. Am bheileam fein am
aonar ? am I left alone f — Oss. Gaul.
Bueart, asp. form of beart.
Bheir, fit. aff. a. of tabhair. Shall or will give. Co e a
bheir comhrag? who is he that will give battle? — Oss. hod.
Bheir mise ort gum fainich thu e, I will make you feel it,
or smart for it ; bheir me ort a dheanamh, / will make you
do it.
Bheir, pret. of beir. Caught; overtook; bore, or bare, as
a child. See Beir.
Biieireab, fut. pass, of tabhair. Shall be given.
BiiEiRiNN, 1 sing. pret. sub. of tabhair, and also of beir.
I would give ; 1 would bear.
BiiEiRTEADii, 1 sing. pret. sub. pass, of tabhair. Should or
would be given. — Stew. Pro.
Bheo, asp. form of beo.
Bheòil, asp. form of beòil ; also voc. pi. of beul. A bheòil
nan dan, ye mouths of the song, ye bards. — Oss.
Biieotiiaich, pret. a. of beothaich; which see.
Bheuc, pret. a. of beuc. Roared, bellowed, shouted, hal-
lowed. See Beuc.
Bheucach, asp. form of beucach ; which see.
Bheul, asp. form of beul ; which see.
BiiEUM, prct. a. of beum. Smote. See Beum.
Biieum, asp. form of beum.
Bui.Mìiì, asp. form o{h\a.d\i. Meat. Arm. vyou. SteBiADii.
BiiiADii, ;Ht'<. a. of biadh. Fed. See Bi.iDii.
BiiiNN, asp. form of binn, a. See Binn.
BiiiTii, s., asp. form of bith ; which see.
BiiiTH, (a), infin. of bi. To be.
Bhitheadii, imperf. sub. of bi. Would be.
Bhitheas, fu(. sub. of bi. Shall or will be.
Biuthinn, 1 sing. imp. sub. of bi. I would be.
Bhlais, ^re*. o. of hlais. Tasted. See Blais.
BiiLÀR, asp. form of blàr; which see.
Biiò, asp. form of bo. A cow.
Biio, prep, and adv. From ; of or belonging to; since; since
the time at which. losa bho Nazaret, Jesus of (i. e. from)
Nazareth. — Stew. Mat. ref. Bho chunnas thu sctladh nan
nial, since I saw thee sailing in the clouds. — Ull.
Bhobh ! inter]. O dear ! strange!
Bhociid, asp. form of bochd. See Bociid.
BiioG, (peitli-bhog). The fourteenth letter (P) of the Gaelic
Bhog, pre^ a. of bog. Dipped.
BiioG, asp. form of bog, a. Soft.
Bhggaicii, ;);e^. a. of bogaich. Softened. See Bogaich.
BiioGiiA, asp. form of bogha; which see.
Bhoidheach, a. See Bòidiieacii.
Biioidhiche, asp. form of boidhiche.
BiioiL, asp. form of boil.
Bhoirionn, asp. form of boirionn; which see.
BnòisG, pret. a. of boisg. Shone, gleamed. See Boise.
BaoLGACH, aich, s.f. The venereal.
BiioLGACH, a., asp. form of bolgach. Bossy.
Biiò 'n de, s. The day before yesterday. An de no air bho
'n de, yesterday or the day before.~-Stew. Deuf. ref.
BiioNN, asp. form of bonn.
Bhos, prep. On this side ; here. An taobh bhos, this side.
Bhotiian, asp. form of bothan.
Bhrat, asp. form of brat; which see.
Bhrath, flip. /orm of bratli. Air bra-th, found; to be found.
Cha bhi 'm bard air bhrath, the bard shall be no more. —
Bard's IVuh.

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