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212 ^Description of the
the Heirefs of the Houfe of Lejlj, One of
the Earls of Rofs^ called John, being of an
eafy Temper, and too liberal to the Church,
and to his Vaffals and Friends, his Son jE-
ncM (by Buchanan called Donald) was fo
oppofite to his Father's Conduft, that he ga-
thered together an Army to oblige him from
giving away any more of his Eftate. The
Father rais'd an Army againft his Son, and
fought him at Sea, on the Coaftof Mull-, the
Place is fince called the Bloodj-Baj : the Son
however had the Viftory, This difpofed the
Father to go ftraight to the King, and make
over the Right of all his Eftate to him.
The Son kept poffeflion fome time after ;
however, this occafion''d the Fall of that great
Family, tho there are yet extant feveral an-
tient Tribes of the Name, both in the Ifles
and Continent. Thus far the Genealogift
Mack-Vurichf and Hugh Mack-DonaU, in their
THE next adjacent Part to Slait, and join-
ing it on the North-fide, is Strath ; it is the
Property of the Laird oi Mack-Kjnnon^ Head of
an antient Tribe.
ON the North- Weft fide of Strath lies
that part of Skie called Mackleodh Country,
poflefled by Mackleod. Genealogifts fay he
is lineally defcended from Leod, Son to the

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