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an invidious charge as fymg is the laft thing
that a gentleman fliould be abufed with.
And to bring forward fach an accufation
without proof to eflabUfh it, is a ruffian
mode of impeachment. Dodor Macpher-
fon was incapable of ading fo bafely, tho'
Mr. P. is void of candor, and good manners.
The indelicacy of fuch language is obvious ;
a gentleman, fays Mr. Mac Nicol, would
not have exprelTed himfelf in that manner
for his own fake ; a man of prudence would
not have done fo for fear of giving juft of-
fence to Mr. Macpherfon. He feems to
have been carelefs about the reputation of
the firft of thefe charad:ers, and the malig-
nity of his difpofition feems to have made
him overlook the forefight generally an-
nexed to the fecondj though he was bold
in his affertions, he was not equally cou-
rageous in their defence. His mere allega-
tion on a fubje(fl he could not underftand
was unworthy of the notice of the gentle-
man accufed ; but the language which he
expreffed deferved chaftifement. And men,
who break in upon the laws of good man-

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