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Co air a rinn tliu sid ? — Ort fliein, a gliràidh.
On whoni did you do that Ì — On yourself, my dear.
Co dlià a b' fhearr a b' aitlme an cat a thoirt as a'
iiihuiglie, na do 'n fhear a cbuir ann e ?
Who hiotos best to take the cat out of the churn hut he
that jnit her in ?
Ye served me as tlie wife did the cat,— coost me in the kirn,
and syne harled me oot again. — Scot.
Co dha bbios Mac-Mbatbain gu matb, miir bi dba
fbein ?
To ichom will Mathcson he good, if not to himself Ì
Co dbiùbb 's ann air sratb no 'n gleaun, 's ann as a
ceann a bhligbear a' bho.
Whether on strath or Ì7i glen, 'tis f rem her he id the
cow's milk comes.
As a cionn a bhlichtear an bho. — Ir.
Godroid buwcli o' i phen. — JFelsIi.
It's by the head that the coo gi'es milk. — Scot.
As tlie coo feeds, so she bleeds. — Do.
Die Kuh milcht durchs Maul. — Germ.
Co dbiùbb 's fbusa bata dbeanamb de 'n gbuairne mu
gbuairn, no cuaille de 'n gbiiirne mu gbiùrn ?
Whether is it easier to make a stick of the quill-pitli ,
or a stake of the auger -dust Ì
This is another version of Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the
phrases used having reference to the use of a turning -lathe.
Co ni 'n t-olc acb na ninatban !
Who can do ill hut the women !
This is but another form of 'Corruptio optimi est pessima'.
' All wickedness,' says the son of Sirach (xxv. 19), ' is but little
to the wickedness of a woman.'
Co ris a tbeid mi g' am gbearan, 's gun Mac-Mbic-
Ailein 'am Mùideart ?
To whom can I make my comiilaint, and no Clcmranald
in Moidart ?
This natural gush of Celtic feeling refers to the Clanranald who
was killed at Sheriff Muir, a chief who was the idol of his claru
Cobbair nan geas. The succour froin spells.
Said of a person to be relied on as an ffidipus, or Hercules, in
cases of dithculty, to solve riddles, or break spells.
Coimeas a' gbeoidli bhric 's a mbàtbar.
The comparison of the gray goose to his mother.

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