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C »0 J
Beath' Chonaìn a mtarg nan Deomh^naibh, " Ma's
ole dhamh, clia'u f hearr.dhaibh." (f)
Balach is balgair' tighcarna, dithis nach b« choir leig
Ico :
Buaii am balach air a charbad, is buail am balgair air
an t-sròin.
35 B' e iifJ an Deomhan do n' mhuilin e. {/)
Biodh fonas an lorg na caitheadR
Biodh ceine maith 'n iin nuair ghabhas e
Bu mhor am bèud do bheul binn a dhol gu brath fo'"
thalamh. [g)
B' f hearr a bhi famhach, no droch dbàn a ghabhali.
40 Beirjdh bean mac, ach 's e Dia' ni an t oighre.
Bheir duine gllc breith bliadhna, air neach ann 'n uin'
aon oidhche.
BhuÈìil iad a ceann air an amraidh.(/j)
Beannacbd nan llubhal a's nan im'eachd ! *s e 'n
diugh di h-aoin, cha chluinn iad finne. {i)
Bhiodh fonas air draig, na' m faigheadh e mar
^.j [.^hortadh, ^.
{e) Conan vas one of Fingal's licroes; a rafli, turbulent',
but brave youth ; an account of fcveral imprudent aftipns
of his, are often to be m€t with in antlent poems, taks,
proverbs, &c. He, with fome others, went to bell in pur-
iijit of feme of tbeir companions who could not be found-
elfewherc, and as they were going out a devil gave Conan
a ftroke, which be immediately returned j meantime the
gsite was (hut, and Conan left fighting with the devils,
xvho all came to revenge their neighbour's quarrel. This
is called Conan's Life in Hell. Hell was thought to be a
cold ifland at that time, as the lurna, the Gaelic name
thereof, fignjfies.
(/) i. e. To lend anything to one who will not return'
(^) Said of thofe who have a bad voice for finging.
\h) Said of a fervant who looks like her- meati

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