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He muft not omit returning thanks to John Mac "
intofti from Lochaber, formerly a tenant under Macdo-
nald of Kepoch, a worthy honeft man, well verfed in
old Gaelic fayings.
With refpc(fl to the execution, the Compiler has to-
obferve, that, difhdent of his own abilities, he has fought
for affiftance wherever he could find it, and is fenfible,
that, in renderin,i[T the fenfe of proverbial exprefllons in»
a language fo difficult to tranflate literally, he has mucb
occafion to befpeak the indulgence of the Reader.
The proverbs in this colleftion have, in their own na-
tive language, a peculiar elegance and flrength, which
cannot be fo well transfufed into another tongue : never-
thelefs, the mere EngliOi reader, it is hoped, will fee
them pregnant with the flrongeft features of mafculine
good fenfe, and the nobleft maxims of prudence andi
of virtue.
• I'he remains of defcriptive poetry produced by the
fame people, which have been tranfmitted down to our
times, have already procured the admiration of men of
tafte all over Europe, and obtained a degree of celebrity
altogether unknown to any other literary produdlion,,
either in ancient, or in modern times; and it is hoped,
that their lelTjhs of virtue and morality, and the maxims
of prudence inculcated in their proverbial layings, will
be likewife found worthy of the iame admiration.
One principal objetTt the Compiler had in view, was to-
account for fome ancient practices flill continued in the
Highlands, which are evidently derived from a very re-
mote antiquity, for which reafon he has accompanied
many of the proverbs with explanatory notes, tending to
iiluftrate what might otherwife fcsm to be obfcure.
If his conje<n:ures on ihofe particulars feem probable,
they may perhaps induce Gentlemen of greater abihties,,
more thorou^ly to inveftigate the fubje(R;, and thereby
enable their countrymen the better to underftand and-
to relifh the works of Offian, and the later Bards.
Edi>ii>urgh, 2^th i'lety, 17-85.

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