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bufviam nominum Hebralcorum, &
argumentis fingulorum capitum :
interpofitxfunt conctffiones qux-
dam monachis fjdce, & alia non-
nulh, Hibernice ; cum pidluris paf-
fim interi'ertis, literifque quibuf-
dam intertextis, miri opcris & an-
tiquitatis. Liber CoUum kill vul
godidtus. D.13 Vid. Opoib p.
4.11. Chanse varia:, Htiem i ij .
yoi. Hymni in laudern B. Pa-
tricii, BrtguU-,&cColu?nba:, Hibern
plciumque. liivcxationes Apu-
Itoloruni & SS. cum nut. Hibern.
interim. & margin. Orationcs
qusdamcxcerptae ex Pf >lmis ; par-
tim Latine param Hiberfiice. fol.
Mcmbr. I i2f.
6ci. Opsn Gafo/i di I^^Pfcra-
tis. dcChirurgiai Hihervke io\.
Mcmbr. C y.
<J3y A Phyfick Book, in Injh.
j^to. A 3
6+7 . JJc ulcr ribus Corporis hu-
nnuiyHibeniice. fol. NUmbr. C ip
64.9. A Buck of FoftillJ, in InJh.
fol. Mombr D 14 ^
810 Ccita-n Prayers, with the
argument of the lour Gofpels, and
the Ads, in Irlflj. 10. Fiech
Slcbthievfs Hymnus, in laudem
S. Patricii , Hibernice. \x. An
Hymn on S. Brigidm InV.<, made
by ColuirikiUe, in the time of Eda
Mac u^mmireck, or Broccan Cloin j
cum regibus H'tberji. &; SuccefT S.
Patricii. 14. San&ajii Hymnus.
849. Revcrendiffimi D. BetfeUt
tranfLtio Hibcrnica S. Bibliorum.
III. In the Library of
the Molt Rev''. Father
in God, Narcijfus Lord
Arch-Bifliop oi'Jrmachj
Vx'nwii^oi Ireland.
878- Richardi Plimket Focloir
Hibernicum, i. c. Vocabulanum
Hibermciivt <^ J. at mum ^ in fol.
magnum & ci'piodllimum.
879 Rudimenta Grammaticce
88;-l. HiftoiiaDfl(i?tfrM Keativgi,
Lingua Hibervicd. fol.
88 1- An Injh Romance of a
Monk, by way of Pilgnmjge ; de-
{dicared to the Popilli Bidiop of
I a'oghor, in the rime when King
JaiHes was in Ireland, but written
in the year 1331. fol.
IV. Jrthur Bronviloiv Flfq;
of Lurgan Clun Brafil.^ in
the County oi' Down has
the MSS. following.
An Abilrit't of Lsabkar Cuib-
hala.or the ancient Book of thefe-
veral Conquelts of Irela7td, fince
the Flood, by Mich. O C/eri, and
A Copy of theTreadfeof the
Monarchsof the World. Anonym.
ruan ):uic in )-ojima uijn centum
annij- in hcpi lajijxan, j^iche bira
{i. e. io. annis) \\\ j-ojima cepui,
tenrum anni m jojima aquilx,
111 bha j-ohn in fOjima pi)ci)-,
irejium in }^ojima honmn)- co)e-
A Copy oi" the Leabhar Egho- ! ancairh '.ohaimji)! j- innib m c hui
nagh, or a Treacife of the Reigns' )hiar.ich, &c
of the Family of the O Neilles, de
ftCnded from Eogain Mac Nial
Naoighiallach, or Neil of the 7inie
A very ancient Treatifeof Phy-
fick, by an Anonymous Author.
Three Books of Mifcellanies ,
containing levcral ancient Poems
or Dans, and Ibme i'mall Frag-
ments of Hillory and Chronology.
A Trcatifc of the llle of Man,
by an Anonymous Author about
eighty years ago.
DT.Keati7rg's Hiftory of Ire/and.
A Copy of a very ancient Trea-
tife of Geography, by an Anony-
mous Author.
Cath Mhinleana, or the Battle of
Miiihva. A Romance.
B'jille Shu.bhne, otSuibhne's di-
Jlraiiion. A Romance.
Comhr.ic Fhirdhia •] Cconluinn,
or, Tke Coitflid ofFerdia aiid Con-
lin. A Romance
Cath Comhar, Cath Gabhra,
Cath Code, Cath Atha Bo, Cath
Ollarba , Battles fought by the
Eton Erion or ancient Militia of
Ireland, under Eton Mac Cual
their great Commiuder.
V. In the Bodley Library
at Oxford.
I. An old MS. en Parchment,
confiitiiigof lyz. pages, in a large
folio ; Containing 1 a Copy of
partof Sakaji Cajjail. z. A Copy
of the Book ofS. Mochu&aRar-
hm & Lqmo]) ; and 3. the Chro-
nicle of the Abbey cf Cunj;, giv-
ing ibme Account i. of ilie an-
cient Injh Families, a. A Cata-
logue of their Kings, 3. an Ac-
count of the Conquift of Britain
by the Romans. 4 Of the Saxon
Conqucft and their Heptarchy
f. An Account of the /r///,' Saints mapbliath Cumhail. 1 ojiui-
in Verfe,writ;en in the tenth Cen- ] j;heaj;hD CKeall.nnhain Chaijil
tury. 6. The Saints of the Roman ' Rijh .Mumhuin Icna Ale map a
Breviary. 7. A Catalogue of the rcui^chiaji LochlannachEijuonn.
Popes. 8. An Account of the Con- j
verfion of the Irijh and Englijh to There are Irilh MSS. enough
Chriftianiiy, with (ome other fub- fx/<7?/f> to make a far more covfi-
jcdts. MSS Laud. F. yz. 'Y\\\s derable Catalogue tkan that 1 have
Book, as is comnr.on in old Injh, given of the Britidi, beginning p.
MSS. has here and there feme 12^4 But for want of further
Latin Notes, intermixt with hijh; Information , I mufh leave that
and nuy pollibly con-ain \ow,ii Task to fine Ainiquary of \'!c\;:iX\(\
Hints of the Dodtnnc of the or^colland; as heingin all reffie^s,
Druids; as may be guefled from much better c^ualiffd for juih an
itliefe words in the 103. Y^ci.'i. Undertaking.
IL The works of Colum kil or
S. Columbus in Verfe, contain. ng
fome Account of his own Life,
his Exhortation to Princes, and
his Prophecies : Alfo theSayings
and Piophecics of Congallus ,
Monjjm, Bjienan,and (oime others.
AnoldVellam MS. conGlbng of
140. page^, in the form of aMu-
hck B^^ok. MS. Laud. D. 17.
in. Fopu)- peaja aji Eijiion, A
Chron.^logical Hillory of lrela7!d,
by Jeffrey Keati/jg D.D- Chart.
The following Books are men-
tioned in a Lecter lately received
from Ireland., as Manulcripts now
extant there; but without any
references to the Places.
I. Lcabhiji Aiiti iMaLha. 2.
Sulcjip na reamhpath 3.Salraij'i
Chaij-il. 4. Leabhaji na hua chun-
^mhala. ^.Lcibhaji chluanahai^h-
neach. 6 Salr.ii|i na pann. 7. i.e-
abha]i jlmn t;aloch. 8. l.eabhap
nagccapc. 9. Ui&hiji Chiajiain
10 L.cabhaji buithe Moling. 11.
Leabhji bubliMolaga. 11. Leab-
haji Chinnalluigh. 13. Leabhaji
Dalian j-hojighuill no Amhjian
Choluim chill 14 Lcbhaji geap
na padi)-e. 15. An leabhaji Muimh-
neach 16. Leabhaji ) ipgibhe-
achiDa aji chujij'a na ntul na Jjici-
nc '] napae, &:c. 17. Leabhaji na
j;caiir ■] na jqc^rh aji thaluibh
Kijiiorf , maji ara ami )0 : Ca~h
Chluana rajibh ruj; Bjiian bo-
jioime aji Lochlanniiibh. Cath
Mhuighe Miirjinuiihc i&iji nihe'
<on •] RiS'i Htjiin. viz Ajic
MiT Cuinii Cacli Mhiii'^hc k-ana
iMp Chon Ki;^h F.ijiionn | Eoj;an
moji Ri^h Mumhuinn 'j-lci&he
Mogha. Carh nimshe luijnmh
itiji chonn cat:hach 'j arhaiji
Fhinn mhic Ciimhaill maji aji

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