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56 T E M O R A; Book IL
Conar "^) was the brother of Trathal , firft
of, nioTtal men. , His battle? Vv-ere on every
coaft. . A thoufand ftreams rolled down the
blood of his foes. His hvne tilled green Erin ,
like a pleaiant gale. The nations gatliered in
Uilin, and they bleffed the kingj the king of
* ) Conar , the firft king of Ireland , was the fon of
••Tremnor , the great - grand - father of Fingal. It
was on account of this family - connedion, that
Fingal was engaged in To many wars in the cau-
fe of the rade df Cohar^ Tho' few of the a^
• fttons of Trehmor are mentioned in Ofiian's po-
ems , yet , fi oin the honourable appellations be-
ftowexl on him, we may conclude, that he was,
hi the days' of the poet , the moft renowned na-^
me of anti'quity. The moft probahle opinion
concerning him is, that he was the firft, who
wnited the tribes of the Caledonians , and com-
jiianded them , in chief, againft the incurfions
of the Romans. The geneaiogifts of the North
have traced his family far back, and given a lift
of his anceftors to Cnanmor van Inn , or Con-
mor of the fwords , who, accordhig to them,
wa^ the firft who' crofTed the 'great /crt , to Cale-
dbnia , from which circumftance his name prOf
ceeded , which fignifies Great ocean. Genealo-
gies bf fo ancient a date , however , are little to
be depended upon,

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