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Anrur has been in the Itrife of fpears ; but he Is pale
and withered now, like the oak of Lano. I have no
fon to meet tiiee wilh joy, or to carry |hee to the halls
of his fatherr. Argon is pale in the ton^b, and Ruro is
no more. My daughter is in the hall of ftrangers,
and longs to behold my tomb. Her fpoufe faakes ten
thoufand fpears ; ^.nd comes f like a cloud of death
from Lano. Come thou to Ihare the feall of Annir, foa
of echoing Morven,"
Three days they feafted together ; on the fourth An-
nir heard the name of Oicar j|. They rejoiced in the
Hiell % ; and purfued the boars of Runa. Befide the
fount of moity flones, the weary heroes reil. The
tear fleals ip fecret from Annir : and he broke the rifnig
figh. " Here darkly reil," the hero faid, <* the chil-
dren of my youth. This ftcne is the tomb of Ruro :
that tree founds oyer the grave of Argon. Do ye hear
my voice, O my ions, within your nari-ow houfe ? Or
do ye fpeak In thefe rufliing leaves, when the winds of
the defert rife ?"
" King of Inis thona," faid Ofcar, " how fell the
xhildren of youth ? The wild-boar often rulhes over
their tombs, but be does not dillurb the hunters. They
purfue deer ff formed of clouds, and bend their airy-
bov/. They ftill love the fport of their .youth ; and
mount the vrind with jov."
Vol. 1. ' a
f Cnrtnalo hzi rcfolvert on a ir^T r'
t-hona, in ord< • ' --■-•■— -■ ^■
T, Annir. kin"r cf Ini?-
eof hlsdclii:
by Fiu':sl,that l..,-f.:..t . : , a: , i', I . ..-, to the afi,ll?-nce of
, ,-,,';,, , , . A,, f.'rl ■.•i- put '.<; rh-- varby the death (!f
^ , . : :% S-, O'CTi.'b hMid. I husis thencrr.di'ivere.t
, . ■; to ri»:lc the charafter 01 his foil, makes Of-
i' It \iFs tR'iM-ht, 111 tl; ),•; (!dv^ cf t'e'O'fm, an infiimjejnent upon th? laws nf
|iofuit>.lity, to alk tht iia.a.'i.i a It. anger, bQ»nre he harf f<;a;tt;d throe trys in ilif
rreat hall of tlic funv,lv. « He i h^.t affci the name of the ftranger,' is tathis day,
an opprobi.ijs term ai-Micd , v.: l.'-o ninth, to th^ inhofpitahJe.
^ ' To rejoice iu the ftiell* is a phrafe for feafting fumptuoufly, and drinking.frec-
n The rotinn of CfTian corcfrnins th; fiatc .of the dcceaftd, .was rbe-
f-ie with thit ..ftheaiicier.t Greeks and Romans. Th-y iiT-a?i;ied that tU?
■f Hi»riirfued, Ui.tfecirJepai'aU.ftatCj }i\e c>p^\oitci-^l> feJ f^q^ yjSj*. ^t

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