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t"he noife of his fleel. O Carun, roll thy flreams of
"blood, for the chief of the people fell.
Ccmala. Who fell on Canui's gralTy banks, fon of
the cloudy nijrht ? VI "as he white as the fnow of Ard-
ven ? Blooming as the bow of the Ihower ? Was his
hair'like the mifl of the hill, foft and curling in the
day of the fun ? Was be like the thunder of heaven in
battle ? Fleet as the roe of the defcrt ?
Hiifal. O that I might beliold his love, fair-leaning
from her r(uk ! Her red eye dim in tears, and her
blulhing cheek half hid in her locks ! Blow, thou gen-
tle breeze, and lift the heavy locks of the maid, that I
may behold her white arm, and lovely cheek of her fur-
row !
Comala. And is the fon of Comhal fallen, chief of the
mournful tale ? The thunder rolls on the hill ! The
lightning fiies en wings of fire ! But they frighten not
Comala ; for her Fingal fell. Say, chief of the mourn-
ful tale, fell the breaker of ihields
H'nial. The nations are fcattered on their hilts ; for
they fiiall hear the voice of the chief no m.ore.
tf.n:ala. Ccnfuficn purfuc thee over thy plains ; and
dellruifiion overtake thee, thou king of the world.
Few be thy Heps to thy grave ; and let one virgin
mourn thee. Let her be, like Ccmala, tearful in the
days of her youth. Why baft thou told me, Hidailan,
that my hero fell? I might have hoped a little vhilc
his return, and have thought I faw hhn on the diftaiit
rock ; a tree might liave deceived me with his appear-
ance ; and the wind of the hill been the found of his
horn in mine car. O that I were on the banks of Ca-
run ! that my tears might be warm on his cheek !
HiiJal. He lies not on the banks of Carun : on Ard-
vcn, heroes raife his tcftib. Look en them, O moon,
from thy clouds ; be thy beam bright on his breaft,
that Comala may behold him in the light of his ar-
Lomala. Stop vc fons of the grave, till I behold my

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