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Cuiribh thairis an oidhche le fiiaim,
'S tliigeaclli madainn gu luath le aoibhueas.'
Tliog siiin ar gutli do'n da rigli,
Ceud clàrsacli a' stri 's an fhuaim.
2G0 Slioillsich aghaidh Shuaraiu tliall,
Mar ghealacli Ian anns an speui-,
'N uair dh'fhàgas na neoil i shuas
Samliacli loatliann 'am meadhon oidlicli".
" Cucliulliii," thuirt C'arull aosda,
2G5 " Tlia CucliuUiu 'an cos Thùra,
Tha 'lamh air claidheamh a neirt,
A smaointean air feachd a chaill e ;
Tha righ nan sleagli brònach 's a' blieiuu
Gu so bu treun e 's a' chòmhrag.
270 Cliuir e 'lann gu sith ri d' thaobli,
Thusa mar aomadh nan stoirm,
A sgaoil fo ruaig a naimbdcan.
Gabhsa, 'Fbionngbail, lann an laoicli ;
Tha 'ehliusan cho fiioin ri ceo,
275 'N uair theid "u a sliiuljhal ro' ghaoith,
'S a dh'fhàgas e 'n raon gnu scleò."
" Cha ghabh," 's e 'f hreagair an righ,
t}ie song of other years. Let tlio niglit pass away on tlio sound,
and morning return witli joy."
We gave the song to the kings. An hundred liarps nii.xcd their
sound witli our voice. Tlie faee of Swaran briglitened like the full
moon of lieaven, when the clouds vanish away, and leave her calm
and broad in the midst of the sky !
""Where, Carril," said the great Fingal, "Carril of other times,
— where is the son of Semo, the king of the isle of mist Ì Has lie

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