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A refemblance may be fometimes obferved between Offi^
an's com^arifons, and thofe employed by the facred writers.
They abound much in this figure, and they ufe it with the
utmoft propriety. * The imagery of Scripture exhibits 3.
foil and climate altogether difl'erent from thofe of Ofiian j
a warmer country, a more fmiling face of nature, the arts
of agriculture and of rural life much farther advanced. The
wine prefs, and the thrediing floor, are often prefcnted to
us, the cedar and the palm-tree, the fragrance of perfumes,
the voice of the turtle, and the beds of lilies. The fimilies
are, like Offian's, generally fhort, touching on one point of
refemblance, rather than fpread out into little epifodes. In
the following example may be perceived tvhat inexpreffible
grandeur poetry receives from the intenxntion of the Deity,
*' The nations fliall nifh like the rufliings of many waters ;
but God fhall rebuke them, and they flnall fly far oft", and.
fliall be chafed as the chaiF of the mountains before the
wind, and like the down of the thiftle before the whirl*
ivind." f
Befides fomial comparifons, the poetry of Oflian is em-,,
belliflied with many beautiful metaphors : Such as that re^
niarkably fine one applied to Deugala ; " She was covered-
with the light of beauty ; but her heart was the houfe of
pride." This mode of exprefllon, which fupprefles the
mark of comparifon, and fubftitutes a figured defcription
in room of the objed defcribed, is a great enlivener of flyle.
It denotes that glow and rapidity of fancy, which without
paufing to form a regular fimile, paints the objedl at one
Itroke. " Thou art to me the beam of the eaft, rifing in a
land unknown." — " In peace, thou art the gale of fpring ;
in war, the mountain ftorm." " Pleafant be thy reft, O
Vol. II. Z z lovely
* See Dr Lcwth de Sacra Poefi Hebrfcorum,
f Ifaiah xvii. 13.

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