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twice ufed by Homer ; in the Hiad, when Achilles is vilited
by tlie ghoft of Patroclus ; and in the OdyfTey, when Ulyf-
fes meets his mother in the fliades. On both thefe occa-
lions, the heroes, melted with tendernefs, lament their not
having it in their power to throw their arms round the ghoft,
*' that we might," fay they, " in a mutual embrace, enjoy
the delight of grief."
— — K^vi^oio TSTa^'Tafiifffia yooio. *
But in truth the cxpreffion ftands in need of no defence
from authority ; for it is a natural and juft expreffion ; and
conveys a clear idea of that gratification, which a virtuous
heart often feels in the indulgence of a tender melancholy.
Oliian makes a very proper diftindtion between this gratifi-
cation, and the deftrudive effedt of overpowering grief.
" Tiiere is a joy in grief, when peace dv/ells in the breafts
6f the fad. But fdrrow v/aftes the mournful, O daughter
of Tofcar, and their days are few." To " give the joy of
grief," generally fignifies to raife the ftrairi of foft and grave
mufic ; and finely charaderifes the taftc of Offian's age and
country. In thofe daysi when the fongs of bards were the
great delight of h'sroies, t>ie tragic mufe was held in chief
honour ; gallant anions, and virtuous fufferings, were the
chofen theme ; preferably to that light and trifling ftrain of
poetry and mufic, which prom*:>tes light and trifling man-
ners, and ferves to emafculate the mind. " Strike the harp
in my hall," faid the great Fingal, in the midft of yoiith and
viftory, " Strike the harp in my hall, sjnd kt Fingal hear
the fong. Pleafant is the joy of grief ! it is like the ftiower
of fpring, when it foftens the branch of the oak ; and the
young leaf lifts its green head. Sing on, O bards I To-
morrow we lift the fail f ."
Vol IL Xx Perfpnai
* OdyfT. II. an. Iliad aj. 98.
4? Cajric-thura-

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