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thus addrefling his enemy, a ftronger imprcirion of tlie
emotions then pafilng within his mind, than if whole pj>
ragiaphs had Ixxn Ipent in defcribing the Gonflid between
refentment againft Swaran and the tender remembrance of
tiis ancient love. No amplification is needed to give us the
moft full idea of a hardy veteran, after the few foUowins
words : " His flircld is marked with the ftrokes of battle ;
iiis red eye defpifes danger." When Ofcar, left alone, was
furrounded by foesy " he ftood," it is faid, " growing in
his place, like the flood of the narrow vale ;" a happy
rcprefcntation of one, who, by daring intrepidity in the
midft of danger, feems to inereafe in his appearance, and
becomes more formidable every moment, like the fuddei'
riling of the torrent hemmed in by the valley. And a whole
crowd of ideas, concerning the circumftabces of donieftie
forro\^)' occafioned by a young warrior's firft going forth to
battle, is poured upon the mind by thefe words : " Cal-
mar leaned on his father's fpcar; that fpear which ha
brought fi-ora Lara's hall, when the foul of his mother was
The conciftnefs of Oflian's defcriptions is tlie more pro-
per cm account of his fubjefts. Defcriptions of gay and
fmiling fccnes may, without any difadvantage be amplified
and prolonged. Force is not the predominant quality expccr-
ed in thefe. The dcfcription may be weakened by being dif-
fufe, yet notwithftanding, maybe beautiful ftiiJ. Whereap,
with refpect to grand, folemn, arird pathetic fubjedts, which
are Oflian's chief field, the cafe is very different. In thefe,
energy is above all things required. The imagination maft
be feized at once, or not at all ; and is far more deeply im.-
prefll'd by one ftrong and ardent image, than by the axoil-
OH8 minutenefs of laboured illuftration.

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