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founded upon fads, which regarded the firft peopling cf
that country, and the contefts between the two Britifh na-
tions, which originally inhabited it. In a preceding part
of this Differtation, I have fhewn how fuperior the proba-
bility of Offian's traditions is to the undigefted fidions of
the Irifh bards, and the more recent and regular legends of
both Irifh and Scottifli hiitorians. I mean not to give of-
fence to the abetters of the high antiquities of the two na-
tions, though I have all along exprefled my doubts, con-
cerning the veracity and abilities of thofe who deliver down
their ancient hiftory. For my own part, I prefer the na-
tional fame, arifing from a few certain fafts, to the legen-
dary and uncertain annals of ages of remote and obfcure
antiquity. No kingdom now eftabliflied in Europe, can
pretend to equal antiquity with that of the Scots, even ac-
cording to my fyftem, fo that it is altogether needlefs to
fix their origin a fi(5titious millennium before.
Since the publication of the poems contained in the firft
Volume, many infinuations have been made, and doubts
arifen, concerning their authenticity. I fhall, probably,
hear more of the fame kind after the prefent poems fhall
make their appearance. Whether thefe fufpicions are fug-
gelted by prejudice, or are only the effefls of ignorance of
fads, I fliall not pretend to determine. To me they give
no concern, as I have it always in my power to remove
them. An incredulity of this kind is natural to perfons,
who confine all merit to their own age and countr}'.
Thefe are generally the weakeft, as well as the racft igno-
rant, of the people. Indolently confined to a place, their
ideas are narrow and circumfcribed. It is ridiculous enough
to fee fuch people as thefe are, branding their anceftors,
with the defpicable appellation of barbarians. Sober rea-

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