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fucceffion of a few generations, was regarded as chief of
their blood. The nature of the country favoured an infti^
tution of this fort. A few vallies, divided from one ano-
ther by extenfive heaths and impaffible mountains, form
the face of the Highlands. In thefe vallies the chiefs tixed
their refidence. Round them, and almoft within fight of
their dwellings, were the habitations of their relations and
The feats of the Highland chiefs were neither difagreeable
nor inconvenient. Surrounded with mountains and hanging
woods,th<^ywere covered fromtheinclemency of the weather.
Near tliera generally ran a pretty large river, which difchar-
ging itfelf not far off, into an arm of the fea, or extenfive
lake, fwarmcd with variety of fifh: The woods were ftocfc-
ed with wild-fowl ; and the heaths and mountains behind
them were the natural feat of the red-deer and roe. If we
may make allowance for the backward ftate of agriculture,
the vallies were not unfertile ; affording, if not all the con-
veniencics, at leafl the neceffaries of life. Here the chief
lived, the fupreme judge and law-giver of his own people ;
but his fway was neither fevere nor unjuft. As the popu-
lace regarded him as the chief of their blood, fo he, in re-
turn, confidered them as members of his family. His com-
mands, therefore, though abfolute and decifive, partoo!;
more of the authority of a father, than of the rigour of a
judge. Though the whole territory of the tribe was confi-
dered as the property of the chief, yet his valTals made hiih
no other confideration for their lands thin fervices, neither
burdenfome nor frequent. As he feldom went from home,
he was at no expence. His table was fupplied by his own
herds, and what his numerous attendants killed in hunting.
In this rural kind of magnificence, the Highland chiefs
lived, for many ages. At a diftance from the feat of gd-

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