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A ;
Cathula king of Iniftore, having invited Fingal to a feaft in his palace of Carric-
thura, receives intelligence, at the time, of an intended invafion on his coaft.
Fingal removes his anxiety on that head, by reminding him of the fame of their
fathers ; which they would tranfmit, he faid, to their children. Upon this Ca-
thula laments his misfortune, in having loft, as he fuppofed, his only fon, when
a child. The bard relates in what manner ; and Fingal comforts Cathula, by tell-
ing him his fon may, poffibly, be ftill alive. —
Being informed in the morning, that Manos, a chief of Lochlin, had actually landedj
they go forth to give him battle. The command is devolved upon three of their
young warriors ; but as they were like to be worfted, Fingal, Connal, and Ca-
thula defcend to their aid. The laft, with fome mifgivings, encounters with a
youth, whom he afterwards difcovers to be his fon. —
Manos, being overcome, is reprimanded by Fingal, and difmifTed on a promife of
his never giving any further trouble to Fingal or any of his friends. — The poem
is addreffed to a Dweller of the rock ; either a fequeftered Culdee, or Druid.
/^VUR life is like the fun-beam of winter, that flies, between
^— ^ the fhowers, over the heath of Lena. The hunter, lifting
his head upon his hill, beholds the beam, and hails the day of the fun.
* From the refemblance between the it appears that Cuthullin died under the
names of Cathula and Cuthullin, andboth age of thirty, when his fon was very
having a fon called Conloch, many who young; and the other circumftances of
repeat this poem, in place of Cathula, the poem can relate only to the king of
fubftitute the more familiar name of Cu- Iniftore See Offian's poems of Carric-
thullin, and call the poem by the title of thura and Death of Cuthullin. The edi-
" Mar mharbh Cuthullin a Mhac :" — tho' tion here followed begins thus :

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