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s 9 8 DERMID:
We laid the lovely pair in their bed of earth. The fpear of his
ftrength, with his bow, is befide Dermid ; and with Graina is laid
the arrow that was cold in her bread. Fingal bended on his fpear
over their grave. A dark ftream defcended on his cheek. His bards
faw his grief. Each afliimed his harp, and gave the name of the
dead to the fong. — Heroes, mournful, ftood around. Tears flowed
from the eye of hounds, as they refted on dark-brown fhields at
their feet.
" Peaceful, O Dermid, be thy reft ; calm, fon of Duino, be
thy repofe, in thy dark and lowly dwelling ! — The din of arms is
over ; the chafe of the boar is ceafed ; the toil of the day is end-
ed ; and thou, heedlefs of the return of the morning, art retired
to thy {lumbering reft. — The clang of the Ihield, the noife of the
chace fhall not awake thee. No ; Dermid, thy fleep is heavy!
" But who can give thy fame to the fong, thou mighty chief!
Thy ftrength was like the ftrength of ftreams in their foam : thy
fpeed like the eagle of Atha, darting on the dun trembling fawn
of the defart. In battle, thy path was like the rapid fall of a moun-
tain ftream *, when it pours its white torrent over the rock, and
fends abroad its gray mifts upon the wing of winds. The roar
of its ftream is loud through Mora's rocks. Mountain-trees^ with
all their mofs and earth, are fwept along, between its arms. — But
when it reaches the calm fea of the vale, its ftrength is loft, and
the noife of its cotirfe is filent. It moves not the withered leaf if
* The following lines, altho' defe£Hve, Ann cabhaig mar iolair nan fpeur,
being only one of the editions from which No fteud eir 2 a ' Tui,h air fai1 '-
.. _ . A thriath threun a b' aille leadan
th.s paflage is made up, are fo beautiful Na aon fl , leafgach tha . fin Fheinn,
as to deferve their room : Go ma famhach a raibh t or-chu!,
Bha do neart mar thuiltcach uifge, Fui' clmdrom na foide re !
Uol alios a chlaoidh do uarnh ; * n

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