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A P O E M. i 75
in their eddies, lift at times, like fmoke, his hair. Thefe flames,
in two caves below it, are his eyes. — Often had Fingal feen the
fign of battle ; but who could believe it in the land of Conar, Iris
friend ?
The king afcends the rock. The blade of Luno waves a meteor
of light in his hand, and. Carril walks behind him. The fpirit be-
holds the warrior approach : on the wings of his blaft he flies.
Fingal purfues him with his voice : the hills of Duthona hear the
found. They lhake with all their gray rocks and groves. From
their dreams of danger, the people ftart along the heath, and
kindle the alarm of the flame.
Arise, my warriors, faid the returning king, with a figh ;
arife, let each gird on his mail, and fpread his broad lhield before
him. We muft fight ; but not with the wonted joy of our ftrength
when the roar of the battle rofe. Our friends meet us through
night ; and Fingal will not tell his name *. Our foes might hear
it, and fav, " The warriors of Morven were once afraid." No ;
let each gird on his mail, and fpread the lhield : but let the fpear
err of its mark, and the arrow fly to the wind. With morning
light we fhall be feen of our friends, and our joy fhall be great in
* In thofe days of heroifm it was rec- on his coaft, through night, and he and
koned cowardice to tell one's name to an his people taken for Pelafgians, with
enemy, left it fliould be confidered as whom they werethen atwar. Rather than
claiming kindred with him and declining difpenfe with this punctilio of honour,
the combat. Thefame extravagant notions Jafon fought till day-light (hewed his
of honour feem to have prevailed among friends their miftake, after a great many
fome other nations of antiquity. In the f them, with their king, had bsen killed.
Argonauticexpedition, Jafon.afterhaving Vid. Ancient Univ. Hift. of Fab. and Hc-
been hofpitably entertained by Cyzicus role Times, § 6.
king of the Deliones, was driven back

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