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beauty. But a few moments, on their eagle-pinion, pafs ; the
fun (huts his eye of light ; the blaft whirls that way his ruffling
courfe, and a dark miff is all that remains of the gay form. — It is
all, O Gaul ! that now remains of thee. — But thy memory, chief
of Fingal' s heroes, (hall remain. No cloud of mill that mall pafs
away, on its own gray wings is thy fame.
" Raise j", ye bards, his tomb ; with that of the fun-beam of his
love, Evirchoma. This gray flone mall mark to the traveller the place
of his repofe ; and that tall oak lhall (hade it from the noon-day
heat. The pamng breeze ihall bid its boughs be early green, and
long preferve their beauty. Its leaves mail moot out their head,
through the fhower of the fpring, while other trees are flill bare,
and the heath around them blafted. The birds of fummer, from
their diflant land, mall firfl perch on Strumon's oak ; from afar
thev lhall behold its green beauty. The ghofl of Gaul will hear,
in his cloud, their fong ; and the virgins of the race to come will
praife Evirchoma. The memory of you two, while thefe monu-
ments remain, fhall travel through future years together. — Then,
when thoti, O flone, malt crumble into dull ; and thou, O tree,
•f This paragraph lofes much of the
artlefs Simplicity of the original, as it
could not be rendered with perfpicuity
without paraphrafing fome of its images.
The original pafTage is here annexed, that
fuch as choofe to do it may have it in
their power to compare it with the trans-
Cairibh, a chlanna nan teud,
Lcaba Ghuill, 's a dheo-greine la' ris;
Far an coinh'raichear a !eab' ann ccin.
Gcd' raibh gejgan ard ga sgaile'
Fni* sgei' n.i daraig is guirmc bla',
Is luaithe fas, 's is buaine drcach ;
A bhnichdas a duilieach air anail na frois,
'S an raon man cuairt di seargte.
A duilieach, o iomal na tire,
Cliitear le eoin an t famhruidh ;
Is luidhidh gach eun mar a thig
Air baua' gfige na Sirumoin.
Cluinnidh Goll an ccilair na cheo,
*S oighean a' seinn air Aoibhir-chaomha.
'S gus an caochail gach ni dhiu so
Cha sgarar ar cuimhne o' cheile.
— Gns an crion gu luaithre a chkch,
'S an scarg as le h aois a gheug so,
Gus an sguir na srutbain a ruith
'S en dca' mathair-uisge nan sleibhte ;
Gus an caillear ann dilinn aois
Gach 6!idh 's dan is aobhar sgtil,
Cho'n fheoruich an t Aineal " Co mac Morn%.
No c'ait an co'nuidh' Ri' na Strumoin :"

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