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368 F I N G A L. Book VI.
The fudden Guft that fnatches you through Air,
Sounds as you pafs, in OJj!a?zs ruffled Hair.
Mean Time on Moras Side, the Heroes plac'd
In Order round, partake the kingly Feaft.
A thou-
cxaftly the fame Meaning; and diveiTified only in the Orthography by the
vicious Pronunciation of original Authors, or the Blunders of Tranfcribers.
Thofe to whom the Name belonged were a Celtic Order of Priefts, Philo-
fophers, and Poets, thought to have been prophetically infpired. Though
the Office is no more, the Title has been hitherto preferved both in Scotland
and Ireland; for among the old Irijh Families of Note in the County of
Mayo, Camhden reckons that oi Macvadus, and in l\\eJFeJlern IJles oi Scotland
are feme called Macfaid. In the Calic and Trip Languages, Fa'id fignified
a Prophet.
Dr. John/on, in his Journey to the Weftern IJlands, profelTes to have
been particularly curious in his Inquiries about the Second Sight. From a
Man of his Penetration, fomething certain might have been expefted i but,
as ufual, after faying a great Deal, he concludes the Subjcift in this inde-
cifive Manner. " To coUedl fufficient Teftimonies for the Satisfadlion of
the Public, or of ourfelves, would require more Time than we could be-
llow. There is, againft it, the feeming Analogy of Things confufcdly
feeh, and little underftood ; and for it, the indiftinfl Cry of national Per-
fuafibn, which may be perhaps refolved at lafl: into Prejudice and Tradition.
I never could advance my Curiofity to Convidlion, but came away at lafl:
only willing to believe." It is fomething extraordinary, that a Perfon who
afFcfts to difcredit the Authenticity of 0/^j«'s Poems, fhould neverthelefs
fcem inclined to believe the Reality of the Second Sight.
V. 40.

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