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Book III. F I N G A L. 157
Of Lodd's, Circle fuug, and to whole Pray'r
The Stone of Pow'r has often lent an Ear,
Revers'd the Fate of Armies in the Field,
40 And made the Mighty to the Weaker yield.)
V, 36. An aged Prieft, ^c.'] This PafTage alludes to the Religion of
Lochlin : the Singing round the Circle of Loda or Odin, means the Incanta-
tions uled in their fuperftitious Worfliip •, and the Stone of Power here
mentioned, mull have been the Image of the Deity. As the religious Rites
of the Scandinavians differed widely from thofe of the Celta, fo did likewife
their Notions of a future State. The Valhalla was the Receptacle of
Felicity which received the Souls of the Scandinavians at the Hour of
Death. This happy Manfion was dignified with many Names exprefllve
of its Beauty, Magnificence, and Splendour, It was called the Dwelling
of the Gods, the Refidcnce of the Jf^, the Palace of Friends, the Place
of Gladnefs, the World of Joy. Though the Souls of Men were admitted
into the Valhalla, it was reckoned a Place of more Dignity tlTan the other
Manfions in Heaven which w^re appropriated to the inferior Gods. The
Alfheimur, or World of Spirits, was kfs fplendid -, Breiddahlic yielded to it
in Beauty ; aind though the Walls of Glifner and its Pillars were of folid-
Gold, it was inferior in Magnificence. Kiminbiorg ftood, as the fartheft
diftant, at the End of the heavenly Bridge, where Bifrojia^ or the Rain-
bow, touches the Verge of the Sky. Odin himfelf prefided in the Valhallcr.
An inexhauftible wild Boar, which, though boiled every Morning for
Dinner, remained at Night enttVe, fupplied his Table. Ale, the favourite
Beverage of the North, went round in the Skulls of the Enemies of his
Followers and Friends ; the God himfelf being only indulged with the
Juice of the Grape. Though Odin was well fupplied with Wine, he

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