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Book II. F I N G A L. 129
From diftant Albion Ferda crofs'd the Sea,
Where many a barren Mountain own'd his Sway.
cloudy Regions and fwampy Countries, even at this Day, exceed in Stature
thofe who live under a ferene Siiy and on a dry and light Soil. The
Germans, who pofiefs the Fens between the ScMd and tlie EIl>e, rife beyond
the Standard of the Inhabitants of the Upper Germany ; and the Englijh of
the Morafles of Lincoln, exceed in Size the Inhabitants of the Downs in
The SarmatiS, who, upon the Decline of the Roman Empire, advanced
into the Regions of the Weft, were a very different Race of Men from
the Ceha, and they fent down their low Size, with their Blood, to the
prefent Inhabitants oi Europe, who are, in a great Meafure, their Pofterity.
The general Ufe of Spirits, which has much prevailed of late in Europe,
may have likewife contributed to leffcn the Size of the prefent Race. Dif-
tilled Liquors certainly check the Growth of the human Body ; neither is
Wine itfelf favourable. This is certain, that the prefent Inhabitants of the
Mountains of Scotland have fallen fhort of the Stature and robuft Habit of
Body of their Anceftors, within this laft Century, during which they have
been acquainted with the Still. Ale was their common and favourite
Beverage from all Antiquity, as well as of all the Celtic Nations. Luxury,
early Venery, and the interefted Views with which all Ranks of People
marry, are other Caufes of the Degeneracy of the human Species. Gen-
tlemen, who fpare neither Labour nor Money to improve their Breed of
Dogs and Horfes, ufe no Precaution to prevent the Deformity of Body,
or Imbecillity of Mind, they themfelves are likely to entail upon their
s y. 448.

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