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Book II. F I N G A L. in
Thence to the Ear of Reft, fwift gliding down,
He comes, and whifpers in a feeble Tone,
That Part of it that defcribes this Paradife, I (hall here tranfcribe. " The
Light in this happy Region, was not a Light that dazzled, but a pure,
diftinguifliing, and placid Light, which called forth every Objed to View
in their moft perfeft Form. The Ifle fpread far before him, like a pleafing
Dream of the Soul ; where Diftance fades not on the Light ; where Near-
nefs fatigues not the Eye. It had its gentle-floping Hills of Green ; nor
did they wholly want their Clouds ; but the Clouds were bright and tran-
fparent ; and each involved in its Bofom the Source of a Stream ; a beau-
teous Stream, which, wandering down the Steep, was like the faint Notes
of a half-touched Harp to the diftant Ear. The Valleys were open, and
free to the Ocean -, Trees loaded with Leaves, which fcarcely waved to the
light Breeze, were fcattered on the green Declivities and rifing Grounds.
The rude Winds walked not on the Mountains ; no Storm took its Courfe
through the Sky. All was calm and bright ; the pure Sun of Autumn
fhone from his blue Sky on the Fields. He haftened not to the Weft for
Repofe ; nor was he feen to rife from the Eaft. He fits in his mid-day
Height, and looks obliquely on the Noble IJle. In each Valley is its flow-
moving Stream. The pure Waters fwell over the Banks, yet abftain from
the Fields. The Showers difturb them not ; nor are they leflened by the
Heat of the Sun. On the rifing Hill are the Halls of the Departed— the
high-roofed Dwellings of the Heroes of old."
The Employments of the Blefled in their fortunate Ifland differ, in no
Refpedt, from the Amufements of the moft uncultivated Inhabitants of a
mountainous Country. The Bodies with which the Bard clothes his dead
Heroes have more Grace, and are more aftive, than thofe they left behind

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