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doubtedly of Cekic Extradtion : Every one knows that the Celta
were far from being a grofs and ignorant People : We have the
Teftimony of Ammianus Marcellinus, that they had among them
Bards *, whofe Office it was to fing in heroic Verfe the gallant
Adtions of illuftrious Men, and their Songs on thofe Subjedls
were accompanied by the fweet Modulations of the Harp.
Though Cafar does not expreflly mention the Bards, yet, as
they were Difciples of the Druids, he meant certainly to include
them in that Order of Men. According to him, the Druidical
Inftitution took, its Rife in Britain ; fo that thofe of the Gauls,
who afpii'ed to be thorough Mafters in that Worfhip, ufually
reforted thither for that Purpofe. He particularly remarks,
that their Scholars committed to Memory a great Number of
Verfes, in learning of which they often employed twenty Years :
Nor did they commit thefe Verfes to Writing, but handed them
down by Tradition from Generation to Generation -j-.
By which it is evident, no Parity can be made between thofe
among us that cannot read, and the ancient Bards. Thofe
among us that cannot read, are generally the loweft of the
Vulgar, who, had they otherwife ever fuch good natural Parts,
yet being wholly neglcdled and unimproved, can acquire no
Stores of Imagery, no Principles of Ratiocination, no Compre-
henfion of Knowledge, nor any Delicacy of Elocution. But
the Cafe was quite different with regard to the Bards j they had
a regular Education ; their Youth was fpent in learning, under
* Et Sardi quidem forlia 'virtrum illujirium falia her aids compojita lierjibus am dulcil/ie$
Lym mcdulis cantitarunt. Lib. XV. Cap. 9.
t De Bdlo Cell. Lib. VL

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