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* Dh' aithnich mi cruth mo ghaoil,
'S an t-aobhar o'n chuan mu 'n d' eirich.
# # # * #
" Nach truagh Icat mis' a Chrl-mora,
'M fàg thu am onrachd an fo mi ?"
— Chuairtich òigh'-thaibhs' i le 'n ceolan,
f Mar ghaoith bhrònaich le 'n tuite' duilleach ;
'S ni 'n cluinnte gaoir eoin no tuinne,
'N fhad 's a rinn an ceolan fuireach.
B 2 " Thig
gift, were highly abfurd. — That the Deity mould reveal fu-
ture events to anfwer no end but the melt frivolous trifle,
fuch as the paffing of a funeral or marriage ; and that the
perfons endowed with this prophetic talent, mould be always
the moil idle and the moft ignorant, not to fay fuperìlitious;
and that the gift Ihould be entirely confined to this language
and this country — thefe are notions too ridiculous to merit
any ferious refutation. See Dr Beattie's Effay on the Second
* al. Bha 'n aileachd na gruaidh mar fgriodan caochain,
Tra fgaoileas e 'm feadan feuraich.
f al. Mar chuile ri crònan an' gleann Caothan,
Tra fga9ileas am fonn air fruthaibh fis,
'5 a dh' fhàfas gu ciuin ceum na duibhre.

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