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God tliat â– wliicli they dislike themselves,'^ and their tongues utter a lie •
namely, that the reward of paradise is for them. There is no doubt but
that the fu-e of hell is prepared for them, and that they shall be sent thither
before the rest of tlie wicked. By God, we have heretofore sent messengers
unto the nations before thee : but Satan prepared their works for them ; he
was theii- patron in this world, '^ and in that which is to come they shall suffer
a gi'ievous torment. "VVe have not sent down the book of the Koran unto
thee, /or any otiier purpose, than that thou shouldest declare unto them
that truth concerning which they disagree ; and for a direction and mercy
unto people who believe. God sendeth down water from heaven, and
causeth the earth to revive after it hath been dead. Verily herein is a
sign oftlie resurrection unto people who hearken. Ye have also in cattle an
example of instruction : we give you to drink of that which is in their
bellies, a liquor between digested dregs, and blood ;** namely, pixre milk,'
which is swallowed with pleasure by those who drink it* And of the
finiits of palm-trees, and of grapes, ye obtain an inebriating liquor, and
also good nourishment.^ Yerily herein isasignunto people who understand.
Thy Lord spake by inspiration unto the bee, saying, Pro\'ide thee houses^
in the mountains, and in the trees, and of those materials wherewith men
build hives for thee : then eat of eveiyA-mc/q/* fruit, and walk in the beaten
paths of thy LoRD.t' There proceedeth from their bellies a liquor of
various colour,'^ wherein is a medicine for men.^ Yerily herein is a sign
« By giving him daughters, aud associates in power and honour; by disregarding
bis messengers : and by setting apart the better share of the presents and offerings
for their idols, and the worse for him.*
^ Or, He is the patron of them (viz. the Koreish) this day, &e.
« The milk consisting of certain particles of the blood, supplied from the finer
parts of the aliment. Ebn Abbas says, that the grosser parts of the food subside
into excrement, and that the finer parts are converted into milk, and the finest of
all into blood.
' Having neither the colour of the blood, nor the smell of the excrements.
* " Their milk, elaborated in the stomach, between chyle and blood, becomes for
yea a salutary beverage." — Savary.
e Not only wine, which is forbidden, but also lawful food, as dates, raisins, a kind
of honey flowing from the dates, and vinegar.
Some have supposed that these words allow the moderate use of wine ; but the con-
trary is the received opinion.^
_ ^ So the apartments which the bee builds are here called, because of their beau-
tiful workmanship, and admirable contrivance, which no geometrician can excel.^
t " To be nourished with every kind of fruit, and to wander at will."— Savary.
' I. e. The ways through which, by God's power, the bitter flowers passing the
bee's stomach, become honey ; or, the methods of making honey, which he has taught
her by instinct ; or else the ready way home from the distant places to which that
insect flies.'
" Viz., honey ; the colour of which is very diff"erent, occasioned by the different
plants on which the bees feed ; some being white, some yellow, some red, and some
' The same being not only good food, but a useful remedy in several distempers,
particularly those occasioned by phlegm. There is a story, that a man came once to
Alohammed, and told him that his brother was afilicted with a violent pain in his
belly; upon which the prophet bade him give him some honey. The fellow took
his advice ; but soon after coming again, told him that the medicine had done his
brother no manner of service: Mohammed answered, Go and give him more honey,
for God speaks truth, and thy brother's belly lies. And the dose being repeated, the
man, by God's mercy, was immediately cured.*
»AlBeidawi. ^ See chap. 2, p. 25. 8 aI Beidawi. "Idem. Udem.

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