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140 AL KORAN. CHAP. vni.
•unbelievers ;** that he might verify the truth, and destroy falsehood,
although the wicked were averse thereto. When ye asked assistance of your
Lord/ and he answered you, "Verily, I will assist you with a thousand *
angels, following one another in order. And this GoD designed only as
good tidings * for you, and that your hearts miglit thereby rest secure : for
victory is from God alone ; and God is mighty and wise. "When a sleep
fell on you as a security from him, and he sent down upon you water from
heaven, that he might thereby purify you, and take from you the
abomination of Satan," and that he miglit confirm your hearts, and establish
your feet thei'eby. Also when thy Lord spake unto the angels, saying,
Verily, I am with you ; wherefore confirm those who believe. I will
cast a dread into the hearts of the unbelievers. Therefore strike off their
heads, and strike off all the ends of their^M^rers.'^ This shall they suffer,
because they have resisted God and his apostle : and whosoever shall
oppose God and his apostle, verily God will be severe in punishing him.
This shall be your punishment ; taste it therefore : and the infidels shall
also suffer the torment of Jiell fire. O true believers, when ye meet the
unbelievers marching in great numbers against you, turn not rjour backs
unto them : for whoso shall turn his back unto them in that day, unless he
turneth aside to fight, or retreateth to another jiarty of the faithful^ shall
draw on himself the indignation of GoD, and his abode shall be in hell ;
an ill journey sJtall it be thither! And ye slew not those who were slain at
Bedr yourselves, but God slew them.'' Neither didst thou, Jlohamraed,
cast tlie gravel into tlieir eyes, when thou didst seem to cast it ; but God cast
q As if he had said, Yonr view was only to gain the spoils of the caravan, and to
avoid danger; but God designed to exalt his true religion by extirpating its
' When jMohammed's men saw they could not avoid fighting, they recommended
themselves to God's protection; and their prophet prayed with great earnestness,
crying out, O God, fulfil that which thou hast promised me: O God, if this party be
cut off, thou wilt be no more worshipped on earth. And he continued to repeat these
words till his cloak fell from off his back''*
' ^Yhich were afterwards reinforced with three thousand more.' "Wherefore
some copies, instead of a thousand, read thousands in the plural.
t See chap. 3, p. 52.
" It is related, that the spot where Mohammed's little army lay was a dry and deep
sand, into which their feet sank as they walked, the enemy having the command of
the water; and that having fallen asleep, the greater part of them were disturbed
with dreams, wherein the devil suggested to them that they could never expect God"8
assistance in the battle, since they were cut from the water, and, besides suffering the
inconveniency of thirst, must be obliged to pray without washing, though they imagined
themselves to be the favourites of God, and that they had his apostle among them.
But in the night rain fell so plentifully, that it formed a little brook, and not only
supplied them with water for all their uses, but made the sand between them and the
infidel army firm enough to bear them ; whereupon the diabolical suggestions
^ This is the punishment expressly assigned the enemies of the Mohammedan
religion ; though the Moslems did not inflict it on the prisoners they took at Bedr,
for which they are reprehended in this chapter.
* That is, if it be not downright running away, but done either with design to
rally and attack the enemy again, or by way of feint or stratagem, or to s
party which is hard pressed, &c. '
^ See chap. 3, p. 36, note .
* Al Beidawi. ' Idem. Vide Abulfed. Vit .Moh. *> 58. » See chap. 3. ]
* AI Beidawi. * Idem.

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