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unless God had so pleased: but the greater part of them know ii
not. Thus have we appoiuted unto every prophet an enemy ; the devils
of men, and of genii: who privately suggest the one to the other
specious discourses to deceive; but if tliy Lord ^^leased, they would
not have done it. Therefore leave them, and that which they have
falsely imagined; and let the hearts of those be inclined thereto, who
believe not in the life to come; and let them please themselves therein,
Mnd let ihem gain that which they are gaining. Shall I seek after any
other ^udge besides God to judge between iis? It is he who hath sent down
luito you the book qft/ce Koran distinguishing letvjeen good and evil; and
they to whom we gave the scripture know that it is sent down from thy
Lord, with truth. Be not therefore one of those who doubt thereof. The
words of thy Lord are perfect, in truth and justice; there is none who
can change his words : * he both heareth and knoweth. But if thou obey
the greater part of them who are in the earth, they will lead -thee aside
from the path of God: they follow an uncertain opinion only," and
speak nothing but lies; verily thy Lord well knoweth those who go astray
from his path, and well knoweth those who are rightly directed. Eat of
that whereon the name of God hath been commemorated,' if ye believe
in his signs : and why do ye not eat of that whereon the name of God hath
been commemorated? since he hath plainly declared imto you what he hath
forbidden you; except that which ye be compelled to eat of by necessity;
many lead others into error,* because of their appetites, being void of know-
ledge; but thy Lord well knoweth who are the transgressors. Leave both
the outside of iniquity and the inside thereof:^ for they who commit
iniquity shall receive the reward of that which they shall have gained.
Eat not therefore of that whereon the name of GoD hath not been comme-
morated ; for this is certainly wickedness : but the devils will suggest unto
their friends, that they dispute with you concerning this j)recept ; but if ye
obey them, ye are surely idolaters. Shall he who hath been dead, and
whom we have restored unto life, and unto whom we have ordained a
light, whereby-he may walk among men, be as he whose similitude is in
tiarkness, froui whence he shall not come forth ?^ Thus was that which
the infidels are doing prepared for them.f And thus have we placed in
* Some interpret this of the immutability of God's decree, and the certainty of bis
threats and promises ; others, of his particular promise to preserve the Koran froin
any such alterations or corruptions as they imagine to have happened to the Penta-
teuch and the Gospel,' and others, of the unalterable duration of the jMohammedan
law, which they hold is to last till the end of the world, there being no other prophet,
law, or dispensation, to be expected after it.
" Imagining that the true religion was that which their idolatrous ance&tors
'■ See chap. ii. p. 20, and chap. v. p. 81.
* " The greatest part of men go astray, seduced by tueir passions, and blinded by
ignorance." — Savary.
* That is. Both open and secret sins.
y Tlie persons primarily intended in this passage were Ilamza, Mohammed's uncle,
and Abu Jahl ; others instead of Haniza name Omar, or Amman
f " Ciirae grows beautiful in the sight of the wicked.'' — Savary,
3 See the Prelim. Disc. sect. iv. and Kor. chap. x^.

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