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100 AL KORAN. CTiAP. n.
â– wise and knowing. Say, What tiling is the strongest in bearing testimony 1 '
Say, God ; he is witness between me and you. And this Koran was
revealed unto me, that I should admonish you thereby, and also those unto
whom it shall reach. Do you really profess that there are other gods together
with God ] Say, I do not profess this. Say, Verily he is one God ; and I
am guiltless of what ye associate with him. They unto whom we have
given the scripture know our apostle, even as they know their own cliil-
dren ;" but they wlio destroy their own souls will not believe. Who is
more unjust than he who inventeth a. lie against God,^ or chargeth his
signs with imposture 1 Surely the unjust shall not prosper. Ajid on the day
of resurrection we will assemble them all ; then will we say unto those who
associated others with God, Where are your companions,^ whom ye imagined
to be those of God ? But they shall have no other excuse, than that they
shall say, By God our Lord, we have not been idolaters. Behold, how they
lie against themselves, and what they have blasphemously imagined to be
the companion of God flieth from them.^ There is of them who hearkeneth
tmto thee xvlien thoti readest the Koran ;^ but we have cast veils over their
hearts, that they should not understand it, and a deafness in their ears :
and though they should see all kinds of signs, they will not believe therein ;
and their infidelity will arrive to that height that they will even come unto
<hee, to dispute with thee. The unbelievers will say. This is nothing but
silly fables of ancient times. And they will forbid otliers from believing
therein, and will retire afar off from it ; but they will destroy their own
Bouls only, and they are not sensible thereof If thou didst see when they
shall be set over the fire of hell 1 and they shall say, Would to God
we might be sent back into the world ; we would not charge the signs
of our Lord with imposture, and we would become true believers : nay,
but that is become manifest unto them, which they formerly concealed ; *>
and though they should be sent back into the world, they would surely
return to that which was forbidden them ; and they are sui-ely liars. And
they said. There is no other life than our present life ; neither shall we be
raised again. But if thou couldest see, when they shall be set before their
Lord !° He shall say tmto them. Is not this in truth dime to pass ? They
t This passage was revealed when the Koreish told Mohammed that they had
asked the Jews and Christians concerning him, who assured them they found no
mention or description of him in their books of scripture ; Therefore, said they, who
bears witness to thee, that thou art the apostle of God ? ^
" See chap. ii. p. 18.
« Saying the angels are the daughters of God, and intercessors for ns with
«iim, &c.'
y i. e. Your idols and false gods.
* That is, their imaginary deities prove to be nothing, and disappear like vain
phantoms and chimeras.
» The persons here meant were Abu Sofian al Walid, al Nodar, Otba, Abu Jahl,
and their comrades, who went to hear Mohammed repeat some of the Koran ; and
Nodar being asked what he said, answered with an oath, that he knew not, only
that he moved his tongue, and told a parcel of foolish stories, as he had done to
•> Viz. their hypocrisy and vile actions : nor does their promise proceed from
any sincere intention of amendment, but from the anguish and misery of their
• Viz. in order for judgment.
Beidawi, Jallulo'ddin. ^iilBeidawi. 'Idem. * Idem.

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