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CHAi". V. AL KORAN. 95
sacred raonth,''and the offering, and the ornaments hung tlweon.v This hath
he done that ye might know that God knoweth whatsoever is in heaven and
on earth, and that GoD is omniscient. Know that God is severe in
punishing, and that God is also ready to forgive, and niercifuh The
duty of our apostle is to preach only y"^ and God knoweth that which ye
discover, and that which ye conceal. Say, Evil and good shall not be
equally esteemed of, though the abundance of evil pleaseth thee ; ' therefore
fear God, O ye of understanding, that ye may be happy. true believers
inv^uire not concerning things, which, if they be declared unto you, may
give you pain;' but if ye ask concerning them when the Koran is sent
down, they will be declared unto you : God pardoneth you as to these
matters ; for God is ready to foi-give, ajitZ gracious. People who have been
before you formerly inquired concerning them ; and afterwards disbelieved
thei'ein. GoD hath not ordained awy thing concerning Bahira, nor Saiba,
nor Wasila, nor Hami ;* but the unbelievers have invented a lie against
God: and the greater part of them do not understand. And when it was
said unto them, Come unto that which God hath revealed, and to the
apostle ; they answered. That religion which we found our fathers
to follow is sufficient for us. What, though their fothers knew nothing
and were not rigldhj directed? O true believers, take care of your
souls? He who erreth shall not hurt you, while ye are rightly
directed -.^ unto God shall ye all return, and he will tell you that which ye
have done. true believers, let witnesses be taken between you, when
death approaches any'of you, at the time of making the testament ; let tliere
established ; where those who are under any apprehension of danger may find a sure.
asylum, and the merchant certain gain, &c.^
o Al Beidawi understands this of the month of Dhu'lhajja, wherein the ceremonies
of the pilgrimage are performed ; but Jallalo'ddin supposes all the four sacred
months are here intended.*
p See before, p. 81. note g.
9 See the Prelim. Disc. sect. ii.
' For judgment is to be made of things, not from their plenty or scarcity but from
their intrinsic good or bad qualities.^
» The Arabs continually teazing their prophet with questions, which probably he
was not always prepared to answer, they are here ordered to wait, till God should
think fit to declare his pleasure by some farther revelation : and, to abate their
curiosity, they are told, at the same time, that very likely the answers would not bo
agreeable to their inclinations. Al Beidiiwi says, that when the pilgrimage was first
commanded, Soraka Ebn Malec asked Mohammed whether they were obliged to per-
form it every year? To this question the propliet at first turned a deaf ear; but being
asked it a second, and a third time, he at last said, No: but if I had said yes, it would
have become a duty, and if it were a duty, ye would not be able to preform it; therefore
give me no trouble as to things wherein I give you none: wercupon this passage was
' These were the names given by the pagan Arabs to certain camels or sheep
which were turned loose to feed, and exempted from common services, in some par-
ticular cases; having their ears slit, or some qther mark, that they might be known;
and this they did in honour of their gods.^ Which superstitions are here declared to
be no ordinances of God, but the inventions of foolish men.
■ This was revealed when the infidels reproached those who embraced Moham-
medism and renounced their old idolatry, that by so doing they arraigned the wis-
dom of their forefathers.'
* Jallalo'ddin, Al Beidawi. • See the Prelim. Disc. sect. vii.
* See the Prelim. Disc. sect. T. • Al Beidawi.

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