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24 AL KORAN. CHAP. 11.
this of the number of those who go astray. Therefore go in procession
from whence the people go in procession, and ask pardon of God, for GoD
is gracious and mercifuh And when ye have finished your holy cere-
monies, remember God, according as ye remember your fathers, or with a
more reverent commemoration. There are some men who say, O Lord,
give us oMr portion in this world ; but such shall have no portion in the
next life : and there are others who say, O Lord, give us good in this
world, and also good in the next -world, and deliver us from the torment of
hell fire. They shall have a portion of that which they have gained : God
is swift in taking an account.^ Eemember God the appointed number of
days;" but if any haste to depart froin the value of Mina in two days, it
shall be no crime in him. And if any tany longer, it shall be no crime in
him, in him who feareth God. Therefore fear God, and know that unto
him ye shall be gathered. There is a man who causeth thee to marvel"^
by his speech concerning this present life, and calleth Gon to witness that
which is in his heart, yet he is most intent in opposing thee ; and when
he turneth away from thee, he hasteth to act corruptly in the earth, and
to destroy that which is sown, and springeth m^:'^ but God loveth not
corrupt doing. And if one say unto him, Fear God; pride seizeth him,
together with wickedness; but hell shall be his reward, and an unhappy
couch shall it be. There is also a man who selleth his soul for the sake
of those things which are pleasing unto God;'' and God is gi-acious unto
his serv^ants. true believers, enter into the true religion wholly, and
follow not the steps of Satan, for he is your open enemy. If ye have
slipped after the declarations of our will have come unto you, know that
God is mighty and wise. Do lite infidels expect less than that God
should come down to them ovei'shadowed with clouds, and the angels
also? but the thing is decreed, and to God shall all things return. Ask
the children of Israel how many evident signs we have showed them ;
and whoever shall change the grace of God after it shall have come vmto
him, verily God will be severe in punishing Aim. The present life waa
ordained for those who believe not,* and they laugh the faithful to scorn ;
but they who fear GoD shall be above them, on the day of the resur-
rection : for God is bountiful unto whom he pleaseth without measure.
Mankind was of one fiiith, and God sent prophets bearing good tidings,
and denouncing threats, and sent down with them the scripture in
•> For he will judge all creatures, savs Jallalo'ddin, in the space of half a day.
« i. e. Three days after slaying the sacrifices.
d This person was al Akhnas Ebn Shoraik, a fair spoken dissembler, who swore
that he believed in Mohammed, and pretended to be one of his friends, and to con-
temn this world. But God here reveals to the prophet his hypocrisy and wicked-
e Setting fire to his neighbour's corn, and killing his asses by night.^
' The person here meant was one Soheib. who being persecuted by the idolaters
of Mecca, forsook all he had, and fled to Medina.^
* " The life of this world is strewed with flowers for the unbelievers. They
make a scoff of the faithful. Those who have the fear of the Lord shall be raised
above them at the day of resurrection. God dispenseth as he pleaseth his innumer-
able gifts." — Savary.
1 Jallalo'ddin. « Idem, » Idem,

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