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These two competitions, coniiected with
Lewis and Harris were rather monotonous as
the competitors confined themselves to a few
popular songs easily accessible. "Iorram na
h-imrich chuain" was sun- rive times; "Eilean
Leodhais, tir nan gaisgeach" five times and
••( )ran mòr Mhic Leòid" Fi »ur times. The i ither
which were heard were : "Hù o, tha mi
fo mhulad" which lias a beautiful air, and, as
it lias been n< >ted down it is intended to repro-
duce it as soon as the w< irds are got : "An la 11a
bu ghnàth le Mac Leòid " and "Hithill uithill
.'"both byMairi Nighean Alasdair ruaidh.
It is hoped that, next year, the Lewis and
Harris Association will offer a prize for the
best collection of unpublished airs from those
places. From such a collection fresh airs
would be available ; for there must surely be
a large number of songs connected with these
islands still uncollected.
3 Solo Sixginx, of a song. Confined to mem-
bers of An Comunn Gaidhealach, its Branches
and Affiliated Societies, who are unable to
rse in Gaelic. Lntered to ; competed 3.
1 Ella MacDougall, Greenock, £2 js.
2 Annie R. MacDonald, Glasgow, £\ js.
The fewness of the competitors in relation
to the entries was owing to the absence of the
Dundee choir, to which a good number be-
longed. The Gaelic enunciati< >n was excellent,
superior to that of several of the competitors
in the competitions confined to those able to
converse in Gaelic. The songs rendered were
"Cumha na h-òighe " ; " Hi horo 's na horo
èile" and "O, till a leannain."
4 Solo Singing of a song. Males. Open to
ionals, former medallists and prize win-
ners. Confined to Gaelic speakers. Lntered
7 ; competed 6.
1 John MacLeod, Glasgow, £3 3s.
:.o Singing of a song. Females. As last.
Entered 9 ; o »mpeted 8.
1 Jessie M. Maclennan, £3 3s.
These two competitions an' usually keenly
ted and followed with deep interest by
the audience. The singing of the gentlemen
was upon the whole very good despite thi l.n 1
that the songs rendered were all hackneyi d
the only fresh solo being "Mo righinn òg"
from "An Londubh," beautifully given by
I [ugh Mai Leod, Inverness. The successful com-
petitor anions the gentlemen was last year'
gold medallist who rendered " An cluinn thu,
leannain" in a charming manner. The songs
rendered by the ladies were also quite hack-
neyed, while the Gaelic was in some cases a
limited quantity. Indeed some of the soloists
would not have held their own against those
who took part in the competitions confined to
those onl\ ;i> quiring tin- language. The song
tendered bj the successful lady was "Thug mi
gai >1 d< 1 'n fhear bhàn."
6 S01.0 Singing of Oran Mor. Confined to
Gaelic speakers. Lntered 15; competed 12.
1 John MacLeod, Glasgow, £2 2s.
Robert Morrison, Inverness,
Hugh MacLeod, Inverness,
Considerable interest was manifested in this
competition, the hall being well filled during
the time the Orain Mhora were being sung.
All the specified songs were rendered by one
or other of the competitors with the exception
of "Tàladh Iain Mhuideartaich." "An Dubh-
ghleannach " and " Cabar feidh " were sung
three times, while " Mi 'm shuidhe air an
tulaich " was sung twice and "Morair Ghlinn
Urchaidh " once.
7 Solo Singing of a song-. Males. Profes-
sionals and Medallists excluded. Confined to
Gaelic speakers. Entered i<>; competed 15.
1 Thomas Lawrie, Gourock, £1 is. and
gold medal.
2 W. Grant Downie, Glasgow, £2 js.
3 Calum Caimbeul, Glasgow, £ 1 is.
8 Solo Singing of a song. Females. As last.
Entered 18 ; competed 17.
1 Jessie M. Maclennan, Govan, £ 1 is. and
gold medal.
2 Mary MacLeod, Inverness, £2 2s.
Mrs.C.G.Mackenzie,Stornoway, ios.6d.
3 Katie MacDonald, Edinburgh, cos.òd.
According to the rules laid down by the
Executive of the Comunn, this was one of the

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