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UARALACHADH, -aidh, s. in. A guess-
ing, supposing, coujecturing.
BARALAICH, v. a. Guess, conjecture,
tbink, suppose.
t Baramhuil, (Bàrrail,) Excellent.
t Basajihlach, adj. Censorious.
BARAMHLUICH, -iDH, BH-,i;.a. Vide
BARAN, -AiN, s. m. A baron. A", pi.
BARANACHD, s. f. A barony.
B ARANNAICH, -idh, BH-,v.a. Warrant,
assure, confirm.
BARANT, -AN, s. 711. A support, surety,
B ARANTACH, 1 -aiche,c(//. Warranting,
BARANDACH, \ sure, certain.
BARANTAICH, ) -idh, eh, r. a.
BARANDAICH, ] Warrant, assure,
give privilege.
BARANTAIL, ì -e, adj. Warrantable;
BARANDAIL, S lawful ; reasonable.
BARANTAS, 7 -ais, s. ?n. A commission,
BARANDAS, 3 a warrant. Security;
BARB AIR, -EAN, s. 7ft. A barber.
BARBAIREACHD, s. f. The business
of a barber or hair dresser.
BARASACH, see Barrasach.
BARBARRA, at/;. Barbarous, fierce, un-
+ Barba, s. f. from Buirbe, Severity,
passionateness, fierceness.
BARBHAS, -ais, 5. OT. Proper name : A
village in the isle of Lewis.
BAR-BHRIGEIN, s. OT. Silver-weed.
BARBRAG. s.f. A barbmy bush.
BÀRC, \ -AIRC, -A, -ANNAN, S.f. A bark,
BÀRCA, \ a boat, a skiff; a ship rigged
after a peculiar fashion. A billow. A
BARC, -AIDH, BH-,!;.a. Rush ; burst forth,
burst out.
BÀRCACH, -AiCHE, adj. Rushing in
BÀRCACHD, s./. Embarkation.
BARCADH, -AiDH, s. m. and iwes, part. v.
Bare. Rushing or pouring impetuously,
as of waves.
t BÀRC-LANN, s. m. A library.
BARD, -AiRD, s. m. A bard, a poet, a
rhymer. PL Bàird and Bàrda.
f Bard, a dyke or fence; a garrison.
BÀRDACHD, s.f. ind. Poetry, rhyming,
BARDAIL, adj. Satirical, poetical.
t Bardal, s. m. A drake.
BARDALACHD, s. f. The quantity of
satire or poetry.
BÀRDAINN, s. f. A summonsof removal ;
a warning. See Bàirlinn.
BÀRDAN, s. m. dimin. of Eard. A
BÀRDAS, -AIS, s. m. A satire, lampoon.
-CHLUicHE, s. m. A dramatist.
BARD-DHAN, s. m. Poetry, rhyme.
f Barg, adj. Red hot.
BARGAN, -AIN, AN. s. m. A bargain.
B ARGANAICH, -idh, bh-, v. a. Make a
BAR-GHEAL, arf;. W^hite topped.
BARIS, s. in. The ancient Gaulic name of
BARLAG, -AiG, -AN, s. f. A rag, a tatter .
a person in rags.
BARLAGACH, -aiche, adj. Ragged,
tattered, clouted.
BAR-LINN, vide Bàirlinn.
BARLUADH, s. m. A term in pipe-music.
t Barn, s. m. A nobleman, a judge ; a
BÀR-MHOR, -oiRE, adj. Large-topped;
BARNAIG. v. a. Summon, warn, give
summons of removal.
BARNAIGEADH, -eidh, -ean, s. m.
Warning, summoning. See Bàirleigeadh.
t Baroil, vide Barail.
BARPA, -ANNAN, X. m. A conical heap of
stones, supposed to be memorials of the
dead. Sometimes called Barrows.
BARR, -A, s.m. The top, the uppermost part
of any thing : a point, as of a weapon, a crop
of grain or other vegetables : superiority, &c.
&c. "A bhàrr, os bàrr," prep. adv. and conj.
Besides, moreover. It is worthy of observa-
tion that in almostall languages the word bàrr
is found either simple or in composition; and
signifying height of oue description or other
BÀRR, -aidh, BH-,v.a. Vide Bèarr.
BÀRR-BALLA, s. m. A bartizan.
BARRA. s. m. ind. A spike; a court of
justice ; a bar.
BARRABHAILC, 5. m. A cornice, en-
tablature ; constellation.
ADH, s. m. Parapet, battlement, embraz-
ures, bartizans.
BARRA-BHARD, -aird, s. m. A chief
poet ; a poet-laureate ; a graduate in poetry ;
called also Jil idh. See Bard.
BARRA-BHARDACHD. s./. The con-

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