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|i2£w tflùtt
? ^fcioftlCfrv.
peillíon, np, tine rtour, powder
peilliwr, n, sifting machine, bolter
tpeinioel, +penioeI, n, wheaten bread
peint -iau, n, pint
peintio, V, to paint
peioni, >!, peony
peipen, iau, n/, pipe
tpeirant, n=peiriaiit
tpeiriad, n, causer; cause
peiriannoi, a, mechanical
tpeiriannu, v, to cause; to harness
peiriannwr, anwyr, peiriannydd, anydd-
ion, )!, engineer; mechanic
peiriant, iannau, n, machine, engine;
instrument, implement, tool; device,
contrivance; organf; energyt
peirianwaith, n, mechanism, machinery,
peLrianyddiaeth, n/, engineering
peirianyddol, a, mechanical
tpeirsio, V, to parch, to roast
tpeirwyddiad, iaid, n, verb = per wyddiad
pels, n, vice, cheese-press (Dyfed)
peisgwyn, n, the great white poplar
peiswyn, n, chaff
tpeithiog, tpeithig, a, open, desert, waste
tpeithwag, a, desolate and empty
tpeithwydd, np, the slay or reeds of a
tpeithyn -au, n &cn (-en, nf), tile, slate;
sheet, page; slay of a loom; cog
tpeithynen, nf, bardic writing frame,
consisting of the ebillwydd, or staves,
on which the letters were cut, and
the pillwydd, or supporters, in which
the ends ot the staves were fixed
pel, pi: pelau, peli, nf, ball
pela -on, n, titmouse
tpeled, nf, ball, bullet, pellet
tpeledu, V, to throw a ball; to pelt
tpeleidrad, a, spearing
pelen -nau -ni, n/, ball; pellet; bullet;
pelennu, v, to ball ; to pellet
peleu -od, n, green linnet
tpelgip -au, nf, racket for a ball
tpelrhe, tpelre, r, a game of ball
pelten, nf, blow, smack, slap, buffet
pelu, V, to ball
pelwr, wyr, n, ball-player; ball-maker
pelydr -au t-on. ** ray, beam
pelydr, n, pelUtory
pelydr, np, pi. of paladr
pelydrog, a, radiant, beaming, gleaming
pelydrol, a, radial, radiate
pelydru, v, to beam, to gleam, to radiate
pelydryn, n, ray, beam, gleam
pell, a, far, distant, remote; long
pellddrych -au, n, telescope
pellebraeth, nf, telegraphy
pellebrol, a, telegraphic
pellebru, v, to telegraph
pellebrydd -ion, n, telegraphist
pellebyr -on, n, telegraph, telegram
tpellen -nau -ni, nf, ball (of yarn);
masst, Itmipt
pellenigion, np, ones from afar
pellenigrwydd, n, remoteness
tpellenigwr, wyr, n, foreigner, stranger
pellennig, n, distant, far, remote
peliennu, v, to form into a ball
tpellgardd, a, blameless, irreproach-
pell-gyrhaeddol, a, far-reaching
pellhad, n, removal to a distance
pellhau, V, to put or remove far off
pellseinydd -ion, n, telephone
tpellt, n, javelin
pellter -au -oedd, n, distance, remoteness
pelltra, n, remoteness, distance
pellwelyr -on, n, telescope, spying-glass
tpellynnig, a=peilennig
pen -nau, n, head; chief; end; top;
mouth. Ar ei hen ei hun, by himself,
alone, apart, unique. Dros ben, over,
to spare; exceedingly. Pen blwydd,
birthday (anniversary). Pen uchaf,
parlour (S.W.)
pen, a, head, chief, supreme
penadur -iaid, n, sovereign, chief
penadur -on, n, sovereign (20 shillings)
penaduriaeth, nf, sovereignty, supremacy
penaethes -au, nf, sovereign, chief,
penagored, a, open at the top, wide
open ; indefinite
tpenàig, n, sovereign, chief
tpenardd, +penarth, nf, promontory
penarglwyddiaeth, nf, sovereignty
penarglwyddiaethol, a, sovereign
penbaladr, a, general, universal. Cymru
benbaladr, the whole of Wales
pen-bawd, n, tit
penben, ad, head to head; at loggerheads
penbleth, nf, distraction, perplexity
penboeth, a, hot-headed, fanatical: nfy
the culerage
penboethni, n, fanaticism

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