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teresi, ferysi, n, amazement, wonder t^rhylfa, fâu, n/, position ot each person
terestyn, n, minstrel, buffoon, juggler in hunt
(eres + dyn) ferhylgi, gwn, v, hound
teresu, v, to wonder, to marvel erioed, ad, from the beginning, ever
terfai, a, blameless, faultless; splendid (time past)
erfawr, a, very great, vast, huge eriedigaeth -au, nf, persecution
terfid, V, to encounter, to contend: n, eriid, v, to foUowf; to pursue, to prose-
conflict, encounter cute; to chase; to persecute: -iau, n,
erfin, up (-en, n/), turnips pursuit, chase; persecution
terflawdd, a, princely eriidfa -oedd, fâu, feydd, nf, persecution
erfyn, pi. arfau, n, weapon; tool erlidgar, a, given to persecution, per-
erfyn, v, to ask, to desire, to request, to secuting
pray, to beg, to implore, to beseech, erlidgarwch, n, persecuting zeal
to petition; to expectf eriidio, v, to pursue, to chase
erfyn -iau -ion, n, erfyniad -au, n, re- erlidiol, a, pursuing; persecuting
quest, petition, prayer, entreaty erlidiwr, wyr, n, pursuer; persecutor
terfynlaid, i)= erfyn eriyn, v, to followf; to pursue, to prose-
erfyniol, a, supplicatory cute
erfyniwr, wyr, n, suppliant ferlynedigaeth -au, nf, persecution
terglywad, a, hearing terlyniad, iaid, n, follower, pursuer
terglywed, I', to listen, to hearken, to hear erlyniad, n, erlyniaeth, nf, pursuit,
tergryd, n, trembling, tremor, fear, prosecution, persecution
terror, horror, dread ferlyniawdr, odron, n, successor
ergrydio, v, to quake, to cause to quake; eriynydd -ion, erlyniwr, wyr, n, pursuer,
to frighten, to terrify; to fear prosecutor; persecutor!
tergryf, a, strong, mighty forHyfasu, v, to dare, to venture
tergryn, n, trembling, terror, horror, erllyriad, iaid, n, the plantain
dread ferHysan, a, courtly
tergrynaw, i'=ergrynu termid, ;;. hermit
tergrynawd, n, trepidation ■ fermidedd, n, eremitic life
fergrynedig, a, trembling, timid, fearful fermidwr, wyr, n, hermit
tergrynedigaeth, nf, fear, terror, dread ermig -ion, «, instrument, tool, machine,
tergrynig, rt, causing terror, fearful engine; organ (of body); faculty,
tergrynu, v, to tremble, to quake, to bump
shudder, to fear, to dread termig, fermyg, n, cataract, cascade
ergyd -ion t-iau, n & nf, throw, cast; ermin, », ermine
shot; charge; blow, stroke; shock; fermitwr, wyr, », eremite, hermit
force, gist, meaning, purport, scope, termoed, ad, in all my life; ever
drift fermyg, a, admired, admirable
ergydiaeth, n/, gunner\-; science of fermygu, v, to pile up; to extol; to
projectiles admire
ergydio, v, to cast, to throw, to shoot; ermyn, n, ermine
to strike; to direct one's coursef; to em, nf, earnest, pledge
got, to reachf ernes -au, nf, earnest, pledge
ergydiwr, wyr, M, thrower, caster; striker ferniwed, ferniwiant, n, harm, hurt,
tergyllaeth, w= argyllaeth injury
tergynan, n, paragon. Ergynan rhian- ferniwo, v, to harm, to hurt, to injure
edd, paragon of maidens emo, v. to give earnest
fergyr -ion, n, blow, hit, throw, im- fernychu, v, to oppress, to vex
pulse, thrust; tumult ers, pr, since (er ys)
tergyrch, n, onset, attack fertolwg, î;=atolwg
tergyrwayw, nf, attacking-spear tertrai, n, ebb, ebb-tide
tergyswr, M=argyswr ferthwch, ychion, n, puff, gasp, pant;
terhyl, n/. See eryl anguish; groan, grunt: ü=erthychain

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