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eneideg, «/, psychology
eneidegydd -ion, n, psychologist
teneidfaddeu, n, one sentenced to death
eneidio, v, to endue with soul
eneitìiog, a, having a soul, animate
eneidiol, a, animate, animated; of the
soul, psychic; living
teneidrwydd, n, the temple(5)
teneinfa, fâu, «/, bath
eneiniad -au, n, anointing, unction. Yr
eneiiiiad olaf, extreme unction
eneinio, v, to anoint; to bathef
eneiniog, a, anointed. Yr Eneiniog, the
Anointed, the Messiah, Christ
eneiniwr, wyr, n, anointer
fener, ;;., lord, prince, chief
enfawr, a, very great, huge, vast, im-
mense, enormous
tenfll -od, n, animal, beast
tenfyn, v, to send (anfon)
enfys, fenfysg -au, m/, rainbow; iris
tenhudded, nf, covering, envelope
enhuddo, v, to envelop, to shadow; to
cover (i Kings i. i)
enillfawr, a, lucrative, remunerative
enillgar, a, gainful, profitable, lucrative;
winsome, attractive
enillwr, enillydd, wyr, n, gainer, winner
teniwed, eidiau, eidion, n, harm, hurt,
injury, damage
feniweidiad, «, injury
feniweidio, v, to harm, to hurt, to in-
teniweidiol,a,harmful, hurtful, injurious
jeniwo, V, to harm, to hurt, to injure
eclüb -ion -iau, «, slander, calumny, libel
enllibaidd, a, slanderous, libellous
enllibio, v, to slander, to libel
enllibiwr, wyr, », slanderer, libeller
enllibus, a, slanderous, libellous
enllyn, n, anything eaten with bread,
as butter, clieese, or meat; ' relish '
tenmynedd, !i=amynedd
ennaint, eneiniau, », ointment, unguent,
unction; bathf
ennill, v, to gain, to win, to earn, to get,
to procure; to profit, to benefit; to
ennill, enillion, n, advantage, gain,
profit, enillion, profits, earnings
ennyd, n & nf, while, time, moment;
space; leisure, opportunity, respite
ennyn, v, to kindle, to hght, to bum, to
inflame ; to excite : n, kindling
tenrhyal, n, breed, progeny, strain, in-
tenrhydedd, etc.= anrhydedd, etc.
tenrhyfedd, a, wonderful, strange: n,
wonder, marvel
tenrhyfeddod -au, n/, wonder, marvel
tenrhyfeddu, v, to wonder, to marvel
fenrhyfeddwch, n, strangeness, wonder,
marvel; astonishment, wonderment,
ensyniad -au, n, insinuation
ensynio, v, to insinuate
tentred -au, «, plaster, poultice
tentrew, «, a sneeze
tentrewi, v, to sneeze
entrych, tentyrch -oedd, n, tlie firma-
ment, height, zenith
enw -au, n, name, appellation; noun.
Enw cadarn, noun substantive. Enw
gwan, noun adjective. Enw priod,
Enw priodnl, proper noun or name
enwad -au, n, denomination, sect
enwadaeth, nf, sectarianism
enwadgar, a, loving one's denomination,
enwadgarwch, n, sectarian bias, sectar-
enwadol, a, denominational, sectarian;
enwadwr, wyr, n, denominationist, de-
nominationalist, sectarian, sectary
enwaededig, a, circumcised
enwaediad -au, n, circumcision
enwaedu, v, to draw bloodf; to circum-
enwaedwr, wyr, n, circumciser
fenwai, eion, n, nominative case
tenwair, a, lively, vigorous
tenwaisg, a, brisk, vigorous, lively
tenwawd, n, nomination, title
enwebiad -au, n, nomination
enwebu, v, to nominate
enwedig, a, specified, specific, special,
especial, particular; nominativef. Yn
enwedig, especially
tenwedigaeth, nf, nomination, dis-
enwedigol, a, specific, special, especial,
particular; nominative
tenwerys, /;, praise, fame: a, famous
enwi, V, to name, to entitle; to nomi-
tenwir, a, trusty
tenwir, a=^anwir (Job xxii. 15)

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