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jJlju).^ n). cJU^cd
eisglwyf, n, pleurisy
eisiau, eisieu, n, want, need, lack, neces-
sity. Eisiau b-dL'yd, hunger. Yn
eisiau, wanting, lacking, missing
teisillydd, teisilledd, en, offspring, issue
eisin, en, bran, husk
teisingrug, n, heap of bran or husks: a,
light, unsubstantial
eisinllyd, eisinog, «, branny, husky
feisiwed, feisiwyd, n, indigence, want
teisiwedig, «, needy
teisiwedigion, up, poor, needy
eisoes, eisioes, teiswys: ad, already;
yet"!-, neverthelessf
feisor, a, equal, similar, like: n, manner
teisorawd, a, equal
feisorig, a, equal = eisor
eistedd, eiste, v, to sit, to be seated; to
seat; to be situatedf, to standf; to
besiegef: n, sitting; the act of sit-
ting. Ar ei eistedd, sitting
eisteddfa -oedd, fâu, feydd, nf, seat,
throne; seet; sitet, situationf
teisteddfainc, feinciau, nf, throne
eisteddfod -au, nf, seat; sitting; session
(Ps. cvii. 32; Judith vi. i); congress
of bards or literati ; competitive meet-
ina.. (Render ' eisteddfod ')
eisteddiodol, a, pertaining to eisteddfod,
eisteddfodwr, wyr, «, cherisher or
supporter of eisteddfodau
eisteddiad -au, n, sitting, session
eisteddle -oedd, n seat, sitting, pew
eisteddog, a, sitting, sedentary
eisteddol, a, sitting, seated
eisteddwr, wyr, ;;, sitter
teiswys, ad. See eisoes
feisy, n, want, lack
teisydydd, «=eisyllydd
teisyddyn, n, holding, tenement
feisyfyd, feisywyd, ad, suddenly
teisyfflad, a, hissed out
teisyllydd, en, uffspring=eisillydd
feisy wedig, a=eisiwedig
teisywedigion, «/)=eisiwedigion
eisys, ad= eisoes
eithaf, a, extreme, farthest, utmost,
utter, uttermost. Eithaf gwir, quite
true. Yr wyf fi yn eithaf, I am all
right. Byddai yn eithaf peth, it would
not be a bad thing
eitiiaf -ion, n, extreme, extremity, end
eithafbwynt -iau, n, extreme point,
extreme, extremity
teithafigion, np, aliens, foreigners
eitliafnod -au, n, furthest point, ex-
treme, extremity
eitliafoedd, np, remotest region, utter-
most parts; extremes, extremities
eithafal, a, extreme
eithafradd, nf, superlative degree
eitliafwr, wyr, eithafydd -ion, n, ex-
eithin, up, furze, gorse
eithinen, nf, furze bush
elthinfyw, nf, savine
eitliinog, a, full of furze, lurzy
eitlir, pr, except, without; besides; be-
yondt. t-Ei'^»" wod:i, beyond measure:
c, but
teithrad, aid, n, stranger, foreigner
eitliriad -au, n, exception
eitliriadol, a, exceptional
eithrio, v, to except; to exclude
el, elo, v.subj, will, shall, or may go
telain, elanedd, alanod, nf, hind, fawn
telcys, np {-en, nf), wild geese
jelchwyl, fl</=eilchwyl
telech -au, nf, slate, flag, slab
eleni, ad, this year
telenwi, î;=eflenwi
felestr -on, en (-en, nf), sword-flag,
fleur-de-lis, iris
felled, n, autumn. Alban elfed, autum-
nal equinox
elf en -nau, nf, element ; particle; letterf ,
elfeniad -au, n, analysis
elfennol, a, elemental, elementary, con-
elfennu, v, to analyse
felfydd, n, the earth, the world
felfydd, a, like, alike, similar (eilfydd)
felfyddu, v, to compare, to liken
felgeth -i, nf, the chin, the jaw
eli, ellau, elîon, elîoedd, n, ointment,
unguent, salve; plaster; medicamentf,
medicationf , remedyf
eliaid, a, ointment-like
elifiant -od -iaid, feliffaint, n, elephant.
Asgwrn eli ff ant, ivory
eliffantaidd, a, elephantine
elin -au -oedd -edd, nf, angle, bend;
elino, V, to elbow

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