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ditalch, a, void of pride; humble
•fdifan, a, spotless, immaculate, pure
difancoll, «/, total loss, perdition (from
difanners, a, unmannerly (colloq.)
fdifannu, v, to vanish; to fade away, to
decay {Ecclus xl. 13)
tdifant, n, space, the void ; the unseen
world; extinction. S«i adfant
difantais, a, without advantage, profit-
less, unprofitable
tdifanw, a, insignificant, contemptible:
V, to depreciate, to despise (hence
difaol, a, consuming, devouring, de-
difarf, a, beardless
ditarn, a, without judgment, inju-
tdifarw, fdifarwol, a, deathless, im-
tdifas, a, deep, profound
difater, a, indifferent, unconcerned
difaterwch, n, indifference, apathy
tdifawd, a, destroyed
dlfäwr, wyr, n, consumer, destroyer
difedr, a, incapable, skilless; ignorant
difedydd, a, unbaptized
difeddiannu, v, to dispossess, to de-
difeddu, v, to deprive
tdifeddw, a, sober
difeddwl, a, thoughtless, unthinking
tdifeddyginiaethol, a, incurable (2 Mace,
ix. 5)
diiefl, a, blameless, flawless, faultless
(2 Tim. ii. 15)
diteinwT, wyr, difeinydd -ion, n, divine
difeio, V, to exculpate
difeius, a, blameless, faultless (Phil,
ii. 15)
difenwad, n, reviling
difenwi, v, to depreciate, to despise, to
revile, to abuse
ditenwr, wyr, n, reviler
tdiferchwys, n, dripping sweat
diferiad, », dropping (Ps. xix. 10)
fdiferiog, a, bold, savage, fierce, furi-
ous, mad
diferion, np, drops
diferlif, II, stream, flux, issue. Diferlif
gwaed, an issue of blood, haemor-
rhage (Mark v. 25)
diferllyd, a, having an issue (Lev. xv. 4)
tdiferogion, a, pi. of diferiog
diferol, a, dripping, dropping
dlieru, V. to drip, to drop, to dribble, to
drizzle, to trickle, to distil, to shed
diferyn -nau, diferion, n, a drop
diferynnu, v, to drip, to dribble, to
drizzle, to trickle
difesur, a, without measure; infinite;
tdifesuredig, a, unmeasured
fdifesuredd, n, immense quantity, im-
mensity, infinity : a, immense
difeth, a, infallible, certain
difetha, v, to destroy, to spoil, tcf waste
difethdod, «, destruction, waste
difethgar, a, wasteful
difethiad, n, destroying, destruction
tdifethl, a, unfailing
difethwr, wyr, n, waster, destroyer
+difewyd, a, active, energetic
Difiau, tDiwiau, n, Thursday
ditlnydd -ion, ;i=diwinydd
diflnyddiaeth, >i/=diwinyddiaeth
tdifiog, i(, wild, fierce, intractable
diflanedig, a, evanescent, fleeting, tran-
diflaniad, n, vanishing, disappearance
blasting, blight (Hag. ii. 17)
diflannol, a, vanishing, disappearing,
diflannu, v, to vanish, to disappear
diflanrwydd, n, evanescence, transitori-
tdiflant, n, evanescence ; extinction
diflas, a, tasteless, insipid ; disagree-
able; dull, wearisome, tiresome
diflaster, diflastod, diflasrwydd, n, dis-
gust ; insipidity ; weariness
diflasu, V, to disgust; to become dis-
gusted; to weary, to surfeit
diflin, diflino, a, unwearied, untiring;
diflodeuad, n, defloration
diflodeuo, V, to deflower
difloesgni, a, without lisping or falter-
ing; articulate; plain, clear, distinct,
explicit; imequivocal, unambiguous;
without mincing matters
difodi, V, to do away with, to annihil-
ate, to exterminate, to extirpate, to
difodiad, difodiant, n, anniliilation, ex-
tinction, destruction
difoes, a, rude, unmannerly

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